EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w

HAHA, wow, I should`ve been here sooner today, busted a gut hard, need to smoke a few more rips now, haha. Working in HVAC nad duct work like I used to, you`d see plenty of things not meant to be seen crawling through duct work, could tell you some horror stories from a place we used to clean called SteamWorks (gay bath house). Have nothing against gays or lesbians, have soome frieds that are, but damn they`re into some wierd shit at `the gym/spa` ... :shock:. And Soup ... I would`ve Kodak`d that adventure of buddy hanging, I have way too many of those inspirational one-word pictures running through my head right now ... Perseverance, haha, or Patience, HAHA

KC :weed:
Ha ha ha ha oh you guys have got good stories too. Stoney, that shit is pure gold! And Soup, oh fuck i so wish you had've taken a pic, i'm with KC, that would make an unreal motivational picture :lol:

Keep the funny stories coming guys, love it!
How is it we are all sitting stoned on couches with our mates watching us cruise RIU talking bout construction stories that crack us up at the SAME time???? ....just saying weird:lol: You all should live closer!!!
I`ve been saying to my mates for years we need to all go in on a huge piece of property and commune that shit up!! You`re own private town, wouldn`t it be sweet for us all ... :joint:. Puff, puff, pass OG18 mates, good to have you guys :)

KC :weed:
Totally spins me out Soup, very much so :D in a good way though, makes me kinda sad though that you guys are over the other side of the world!

KC- two words FUCK YES, that would be awesome hey! No need to worry about security if you fence off the whole town hahaha
Me and the rest of the weirdos I know would move in a heart beat!!!

KC...Seems my country did go in on a huge piece of property and make our own private town...we call it CANADA!!!! :lol:...Sorry couldnt resist, been drinkin! Seriously though, wish I was north of the border bro. I Snowboarded (Somewhat competitively but completely short of competently) for a LOOOOONG time and BC is well... Just if you dont know you cant describe it. I feel a calm in those hills man. -S0uP
Me and the rest of the weirdos I know would move in a heart beat!!!

KC...Seems my country did go in on a huge piece of property and make our own private town...we call it CANADA!!!! :lol:...Sorry couldnt resist, been drinkin! Seriously though, wish I was north of the border bro. I Snowboarded (Somewhat competitively but completely short of competently) for a LOOOOONG time and BC is well... Just if you dont know you cant describe it. I feel a calm in those hills man. -S0uP

Word brother, Squamish is my second home in the summers (I`m a rock climber and slackliner), get out to BC at least once a year, was in Van not 2 months ago. If they had more (or any) work out there I`d be there mate. Although I love my area, scenic, fertile, yet has a city feel. Loads of schools here :D. Outskirts of towns, or small municipalities can be purchased, the bikers did it once ... why can`t we ;)

KC :weed:
Not WHY but WHEN!!!!;-)

Edit; Rock climbing is insane man so much respect for you guys! When I lived in Mammoth we would see those guys just killin it free climbing! Completely negative of vertical 2-3 fingers 1 foot hold, certain death for a moments lapse in focus or muscle memory Just Sick!!! My half metal implanted body can barley make it up the kiddy wall! Much respect KC!
All those in favour of moving to Canada, please raise your hand..... Id love to move to Canada, awesome people, the fishing, the hot winter babes, good smoke, and the scenery...breathtaking. You guys dont just have drop bears either, you have 1000lb drop bears hahaha.
All those in favour of moving to Canada, please raise your hand..... Id love to move to Canada, awesome people, the fishing, the hot winter babes, good smoke, and the scenery...breathtaking. You guys dont just have drop bears either, you have 1000lb drop bears hahaha.

Moving to Canada has crossed my missus and mine minds a few times Mo. There is plenty of work over there for her and it pays better than here in Aus. Not sure what living cost over their are but it cant be any more expensive than our little island.
We've been thinking the same as well man, ive got a job that i can get over there and my mrs can go anywhere with hers too! May be on the cards one day :)
Not WHY but WHEN!!!!;-)

Edit; Rock climbing is insane man so much respect for you guys! When I lived in Mammoth we would see those guys just killin it free climbing! Completely negative of vertical 2-3 fingers 1 foot hold, certain death for a moments lapse in focus or muscle memory Just Sick!!! My half metal implanted body can barley make it up the kiddy wall! Much respect KC!

Thanks Soup! Like to keep my mind and body as closely linked as possible, rock climbing gives me that `free mind` space I need every once in a while. I free climb mostly boulders, and trad climb the rest, love placing my own gear on a couple hour climb. Good for the spirit :)

All those in favour of moving to Canada, please raise your hand..... Id love to move to Canada, awesome people, the fishing, the hot winter babes, good smoke, and the scenery...breathtaking. You guys dont just have drop bears either, you have 1000lb drop bears hahaha.

Haha, if you head over to Squamish BC I mentioned before in septmeber ... you can see the massive salmon run and bears line the riverbed and eagles by the hundreds soaring overhead, really something to see, nature`s fishery at it`s finest!

Moving to Canada has crossed my missus and mine minds a few times Mo. There is plenty of work over there for her and it pays better than here in Aus. Not sure what living cost over their are but it cant be any more expensive than our little island.

It`s not that expensive to live here Chipper, unless you`re in metro Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, etc. Outskirts you can find very nice stuff, my town`s about an hour outside Toronto, close enough for fun, far enough to be alone ... :)

We've been thinking the same as well man, ive got a job that i can get over there and my mrs can go anywhere with hers too! May be on the cards one day :)

Hopefully I`ll see the lot of you over here eventually, having more and more people coming every day. Something you have to like about Canada is we respect everyones privacy, and we`re for the most part, pretty chillin about most things. I`d say 150 acres up North into Collingwood would be great for us ... ;)

KC :weed:
Sign me up for the Canadian Convoy! I've made an annual trip to Lake Simcoe and love it every time. And I'm talking about my winter trips to fish the hard water for 15 inch yellows and monster whities! Even nicer in the summer when the beaches are packed. Canadian people are among the friendliest I've met. Truly a wonderful place.
Thanks Soup! Like to keep my mind and body as closely linked as possible, rock climbing gives me that `free mind` space I need every once in a while. I free climb mostly boulders, and trad climb the rest, love placing my own gear on a couple hour climb. Good for the spirit :)

Haha, if you head over to Squamish BC I mentioned before in septmeber ... you can see the massive salmon run and bears line the riverbed and eagles by the hundreds soaring overhead, really something to see, nature`s fishery at it`s finest!

It`s not that expensive to live here Chipper, unless you`re in metro Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, etc. Outskirts you can find very nice stuff, my town`s about an hour outside Toronto, close enough for fun, far enough to be alone ... :)

Hopefully I`ll see the lot of you over here eventually, having more and more people coming every day. Something you have to like about Canada is we respect everyones privacy, and we`re for the most part, pretty chillin about most things. I`d say 150 acres up North into Collingwood would be great for us ... ;)

KC :weed:

Sounds perfect KC, sounds right up my ally :D

Stoney- sounds awesome too, fishin, babes and ganja :D
Hey man, nah haven't yet as it is still curing so pretty sure it will still lost some weight. When i was bagging it ready for cure, a quick guestimate was about 200-225g. I got about 100g of popcorn that will be used for bubble though. Definitely think i lost some yield due to the MH but the quality has far outweighed that yield :D i'll update with final weights in a few weeks mate!
too damned cold in CA....

Global warming Kite ;). Where I`m at has a weather climate very similar to a NorCal or Oregon, of course the rest of our country except BC is slightly higher altitude ... and yes, get shit on big time :D. We`d love to have ya!

Hey man, nah haven't yet as it is still curing so pretty sure it will still lost some weight. When i was bagging it ready for cure, a quick guestimate was about 200-225g. I got about 100g of popcorn that will be used for bubble though. Definitely think i lost some yield due to the MH but the quality has far outweighed that yield :D i'll update with final weights in a few weeks mate!

100g of popcorn dude!! How much leaf material? I can`t wait to get mine, I was hoping that my number would be similar to 100g with 5 plants, haha. Bet that smoke is keeping you pointin` North my the sounds of the taste ... ;)

Im ok with the cold, its the dry heat that does my head in lol.

60% on the humidex today bud, and a high of 30C. Was facking sticky out there, now there`s 70km/h winds, unbelievable...

Can`t wait for you final weight brother, even your guesstimate would be a great haul, almost 7-8oz is nothing to scoff at. Said it before, beauty

KC :weed:
Thanks Soup! Like to keep my mind and body as closely linked as possible, rock climbing gives me that `free mind` space I need every once in a while. I free climb mostly boulders, and trad climb the rest, love placing my own gear on a couple hour climb. Good for the spirit :)

Haha, if you head over to Squamish BC I mentioned before in septmeber ... you can see the massive salmon run and bears line the riverbed and eagles by the hundreds soaring overhead, really something to see, nature`s fishery at it`s finest!

It`s not that expensive to live here Chipper, unless you`re in metro Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, etc. Outskirts you can find very nice stuff, my town`s about an hour outside Toronto, close enough for fun, far enough to be alone ... :)

Hopefully I`ll see the lot of you over here eventually, having more and more people coming every day. Something you have to like about Canada is we respect everyones privacy, and we`re for the most part, pretty chillin about most things. I`d say 150 acres up North into Collingwood would be great for us ... ;)

KC :weed:
On the outskirts of town is where i would like live KC. In a spot where you cant see your neighbours and where you can sit on the back verandah and and shoot the odd rabbit or fox that comes wondering into the back paddock. 150 acres would be just awesome. I dont know if i could live in place called Collingwood though, it would remind me to much of my most hated AFL club!!!