Earliest outdoor planting temps?...


Well-Known Member
I'd like to germinate and plant a little earlier this year (by April 15/20) possibly even April 10th... Have 2 hardy outdoor varieties (Guerillas Gusto and Early Skunk) from Sensi, I want them to get a good start considering I can't tend to them too much during the season, but 9/10 visits should be sufficient, 3/5 in the first weeks for watering a couple for sexing and then a couple around harvest time... There is no frost whatsoever in my area after February and cold spells are rare, the temperatures in April range from 39° - 63°, I could wait until May 1st no problem but I'd like to get a head start on the local vegetation, it's a camouflage urban grow so I'll be snipping and trimming the local foliage as the plants grow, I can't just chop everything in site, WHAT IS THE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE SEEDLINGS CAN HANDLE? They will be at least 3/4 weeks old when I transplant, will acclimate on my balcony in the evenings... spring in my region tends to be very wet and cool, please comment on temps as I'm sure this info could be useful for all of us... I was thinking of planting during a rain shower to help the plants settle in better, anyone ever tried that? It's good cover too... Nobody is out when it's raining ;)...,


Active Member
i have been looking into this for northern MA as well. i would look into a cold box which can be built to warm them at night with no electricity or anything


Active Member
patr check out this link... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MpcX2EKbnA&feature=related its actually a cold frame sorry if you tried to search it and came out cold. I'm going to be doing to runs with autos and am thinking about starting the first indoors then putting them into the cold frame to see how they do. Its just going to be a seed run so I dont care if the cold lessens the yield I just need them to live to give me a couple hundred seeds


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses, SpaceAngel, I'm not sure about the Cali weather, I used to live in Illinois and now Italy, everybody thinks it's warm here in the winter but it's cold and snowy, I was curious to know what you all think about planting under a rain shower, anyone ever done it?... I'm transplanting on 4/20 - max May 1st - 45°N should be fine...


Active Member
I can tell u right now that i have a plant (for experimentation purposes only) which i planted in November. Its still alive now which means it survived all of the frosts and grew on a 12/12 light/dark schedule. But of course i live in Florida so....bongsmilie

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
I can tell u right now that i have a plant (for experimentation purposes only) which i planted in November. Its still alive now which means it survived all of the frosts and grew on a 12/12 light/dark schedule. But of course i live in Florida so....bongsmilie
how does it look on a 12/12?

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses, SpaceAngel, I'm not sure about the Cali weather, I used to live in Illinois and now Italy, everybody thinks it's warm here in the winter but it's cold and snowy, I was curious to know what you all think about planting under a rain shower, anyone ever done it?... I'm transplanting on 4/20 - max May 1st - 45°N should be fine...
if you have the same temps and conditions that we experience here (midwest/ usa), then your time table for starting would be apr/may.


Active Member
can you tell me how your plants do out there with shorter (days) sunlight in the winter, even though you have the warm weather?
they are not doing so well to be honest with you... usually you are suppose to plant them about right now. But i planted mine a couple months early which resulted in early budding so my plants are already nugging at 12 inches tall i give them a couple more weeks and they will already want to be smoked. But i have just started a little grow room in my friends closet and it is turning out wonderful.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
they are not doing so well to be honest with you... usually you are suppose to plant them about right now. But i planted mine a couple months early which resulted in early budding so my plants are already nugging at 12 inches tall i give them a couple more weeks and they will already want to be smoked. But i have just started a little grow room in my friends closet and it is turning out wonderful.
sounds good doc! I was always courious about outdoors growing in the winter months, like in cali and fla. anyways you'll get some good shit out of it, even though they didn't get that big. happy toking doc!

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses, SpaceAngel, I'm not sure about the Cali weather, I used to live in Illinois and now Italy, everybody thinks it's warm here in the winter but it's cold and snowy, I was curious to know what you all think about planting under a rain shower, anyone ever done it?... I'm transplanting on 4/20 - max May 1st - 45°N should be fine...
hey stoopy, do you have same weather pattern in italy as we do in the midwest usa?