Early flower, Yellowing on middle leaves

Horselover fat

Well-Known Member
The plant that is has done the poorest has only been fed once, 9 days ago with 1 gallon of water/feed and but it is not drinking. Pot is still heavy. In fact the two others which I just fed two days ago are lighter than the plant I feed 9 days ago...that is the real yellow one in the back.

I have had watering problems for most of this grow, but believe I am dialed in now. And personally yes- these plants look Nitrogen depleted.
Over watering in soil can take a long to recover from. Drench the pot and the roots can't function. Now the pot dries mostly because of evaporation, but it dries top down so the actual root zone stays too wet for a long time. Roots die because of lack of oxygen and plant is still stunted even though proper moisture is restored. This also easily leads to a cycle where the top part of the pot dries and the grower waters the plant again, but things get worse and worse since the root zone was already wet.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your response. So you would top dress Soil AND WC or just soil?
As far as feeding my pots are not drinking, kinda like you said- I have a pretty cool environment. Been 63F the past few days. So Would you advise feeding them now or waiting a few days for the pants to dry out?
Let them dry out no matter how long it takes. Adjusting the night time temps will speed up that dry out.
When the pots are full of water they’ll be even more susceptible to the cold temps. That water take a lot of energy to heat so the root zone is staying cold even into your day.
If it’s been 30 days I’d put WC and then the FFoF to cover that to keep gnats away.