early flowering okay?

i have a small crop of bag seed going. and a bunch of quality seeds waiting to be planted. i started flowering my plants when they were 5-8"in tall. what kinda yeild might a expect /plant.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Far too many mitigating factors there. A range would be anywhere from an 1/8 to maybe a half oz per plant. But that is a LOOSE range, like I said before


Well-Known Member
it depends, i flowered out some plants that were like 4 inches tall. blue cheese and amnesia lemon. they are under a 400 watt. mine took a month to switch over to flower and didnt grow too much taller. two blue cheeses at 8-9 inches, 3 amnesia lemons are at like 15 inches. i will probably only yeild an eight per plant, max! i post some pics in a second.

some people flower right from seed and get three foot plants, try and find randy rockets journals, he gets an ounce a plant flowering from seed.
it depends, i flowered out some plants that were like 4 inches tall. blue cheese and amnesia lemon. they are under a 400 watt. mine took a month to switch over to flower and didnt grow too much taller. two blue cheeses at 8-9 inches, 3 amnesia lemons are at like 15 inches. i will probably only yeild an eight per plant, max! i post some pics in a second.

some people flower right from seed and get three foot plants, try and find randy rockets journals, he gets an ounce a plant flowering from seed.
i only have 5 healthy plants under a 400 w HPS. thinking about LST maybe...?


Well-Known Member
here they are, had some terrible heat problems for 5 days when my family was staying at my place. fan was broke and couldnt do shit bout it. 110 degrees in my room.

8 weeks in flower



Well-Known Member
i only have 5 healthy plants under a 400 w HPS. thinking about LST maybe...?

with plants that are going to be so small (chances are) i dont think that lst will benefit them much. did you top them, or are they just one stem? you could do a little lst if they are topped, but still probably not gonna do much
with plants that are going to be so small (chances are) i dont think that lst will benefit them much. did you top them, or are they just one stem? you could do a little lst if they are topped, but still probably not gonna do much
i will be happy to get colas like that. i looked at your journal and i i also am using all FF nutes and soil any advice on when to start the tiger bloom