Early Flowering


Active Member
i planted my plant in mid april and it started to flower in mid may, does any one no y it started to flower i dont no the strain and i live in florida i dont know if i should leave it out there or bring it in at 12 hours of light.


Elite Rolling Society
If you planted it outdoors, in April...........man, I try to answer unanswered questions here, but your question is too confusing for a stoned out old man like me.
I am starting to feel more like I do now than I did a while ago. You know what I mean?
I mean I really feel like this all over more than anywhere else too!
At least that is the way I feel.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that was confusing. Im not sure what season it is in Florida right now as i live in Australia. But im a assuming its summer and the only way a plant is going to bloom in summer is if its got ruderelis genes in it. So it must be a lowrider or similar its a Auto Flowering Gene. Google it...



Well-Known Member
many plants flower a little when you bring them out that early, becuase the daylight is still to short and causes flowering, if you leave it alone it will either finish up for the most part, or more than likely, revert back to veg and keep growing till fall.
im in northern ca ...a lot of people are having this issue this year I have um a couple of outdoor plants and a few of them are trying to flower already my plan is to be mindful for a couple of weeks and keep feeding them high nitrogen food NOT TO MUCH and see if they will go back to veg. If this wont work i will have to pull them out and replace them with new clones. Im fairly sure everything will be ok but ill update the post around June 10 or so hope this helps:blsmoke:
yea from norcal too, and i had this problem

yesterday i noticed them to be flowering, but surprisingly today i check and theres new, although wierd leaf growth coming out of the budsites, so it revegged as fast as it flowered, for some reason i think there gonna take off, they look happy and bushy