Early harvest, what should i do with buds?

So I had to cut my golden goat a bit early because I had a might attack which started turning the tips of my buds brown. Im wondering what I should do now as I don't want it to be a total waste as the buds I believe are ok except for the outside. What should I do with my buds? Make butter? If i make butter, can I just water cure the buds to get rid of all the green and taste, then once they are dried out make butter? Thanks in advance for your help.


Active Member
If they arent that bad you should cure and smoke them or cure and make butter. Cureing takes out the nasty feeling you get in your lungs (chlorifyl) So if thats what your refering to as the "nasty green taste."
I'am curious because obviously the mite attack has ruined the bag appeal, but there is obviously still usieable bud left. So my thought was that if I water cure not only will I be getting rid of any lingering mites, but the water cure will get rid of the chlorophyll taste and the smell which would be ideal for butter. Is this the best thing to do when you end up with buds like this? Obviously noone would want to buy it, and I don't want to be smokin a bunch of mites, but I don't want to throw it out either. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
At least 2 weeks for best taste.

The longer the better.

I always put em in my frig so that they dont go stale on me.

Make sure you open up the jars everyday for a minute, then reseal and throw em back in.
think i may have done that with one plant going on 3 weeks and still hay:wall:


Well-Known Member
ahhhh shit, sorry to hear that. :-|

That usually happens when ya dry it too fast.
her drains got clogged and the water funked up and killed all the fan leaves so i flushed her and harvested a few week to really but she still makes for good smoke.:bigjoint:

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
you could probably make some nice bubble hash with the whole batch. there are cheap bubble bags on ebay if you're broke. I also say give the water cure a shot with some of it too. people say it can increase potency.

I always consider butter / eating a last resort. Just doesn't do it for me personally. but to each his own...


Water cure is absolutely your best bet as of right now. It will rid your bud of dead mites and also take away the smell/taste which could make for a smoother butter. In any case, you can still smoke the bud after water cure since it will be free of mites but early bud often tastes foul. I'm betting it won't taste like anything after the water cure but Butter is your best choice.