Early Harvest?


Active Member
I think my op is blown... had someone go into room that has tent in it. Stupid me, I forgot to lock the door! This happened about 3 weeks ago.

Today I was outside and saw a plane fly over that looks A LOT like the local sheriff's....

I am at day 61F. I was going to harvest within the next two weeks anyways.

I have 2 indicas (Critical Sensi Star & Fuego) as well as 2 sativas (both Ghost Train Haze #1).

I know the indicas are ready, they were about to get the axe. But the GTH's are all still clear with some cloudy trichs.

My question is do you guys think I should just harvest, with the risk I may be in????
My friend, if they had info on an indoor grow in your house, why would they fly a plane over?? the plants are indoors! Secondly, why would anyone you invite to your space rat you out??
I used to freak out every time I heard a helicopter or plane or police sirens when I first started growing.
Take them when they are ready & don't ever let anyone in your home if you think they would drop a dime on you.
Sometimes it can be hard to think rationally and logically when you are scared but the others are correct:

1) It is unlikely that person actually ratted you out. That person presumably would have had to go to the station, fill out a report, give a statement and probably be told he would have to testify sh

2) Even if that person did, does he have proof? Would his word justify a warrant? If I called my local police station and told them my d-bag neighbor, who has a dog that poops everywhere, was growing weed, do you think a swat team is going to swarm his house? Very unlikely they would do anything at all.

3) And the plane...no way in hell the expenses, planning and time required to do an *operation* would be initiated to investigate a small time chump grow.

Stop letting people in your house. Control your odor.
And try to stop worrying.
People obviously know what you're up to so I'd consider chopping early and moving. Just a consideration
Speaking on paranoia....Can folks recommenced any strains that help with paranoia? I could use some myself!
Who was the someone who went into your room and wtf were they doing going in anyway? Still, just paranoia, 3 weeks ago I'd forget about it now. If your worried find the person and have a friendly chat to sound them out, but don't broach the subject directly.
You ose a lot of a plants potential if you pull it early. 60 days is a very short time even though some of the breeders say it will be done by then. Its a little over optimistic.
Forget plant potential man,

Yesterday he saw what he thought was a Sheriff's plane fly over his house! He's fucked!
Pull everything!
Give away the weed!
Bleach the room!
Burn the house!

Oh and let me know when you're giving away the weed, I know an address that will dispose of it for free.
If they wanted to get you then they would have gotten you 2 weeks ago. If 3 weeks went by without a hitch then keep on going. The one who saw your tent may try and rob you at worst case, cause don't forget you are growing a money tree. Good Luck.
Dude if you're inviting someone into your house who you think is going to rob you I think you need to pick better friends.