Early Light Burn/Hot Spots, or Nute Deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Trying to get a hand on this situation before it gets any worse as the plants are doing well and the damage is minimal at this moment. I say they are doing well as their leaves are praying to the light gods, so I know they are overall really happy

The plant in the picture is 24 days into flowering. I just started noticing these spots yesterday. These spots are not on all the leaves, mainly ones closer to the top.

Two days ago, I raised the light as the plants had grown a little too close to my comfort so I backed off the light, so I'm thinking it could be hot spotting or early light burn, however I'm also wondering if they might just be extra hungry.

When I fed them yesterday the EC of the runoff was lower than the solution putting in, so they have been eating quite a lot. So I'm wondering if it could be a potassium deficiency as potassium deficiency and light burn can look very similar.

Any thoughts or insight would be great.



Well-Known Member
I sure hope so. I'm hoping it's just my OCD, but anytime I run something new I'm super cautious as it's always a learning process with new strains.

Thanks for chiming in.