Early Michigan

Ty for the luck. What I will say is it's way ahead of my GG4 and Super Skunk and the other odds and ends in my garden. I think you said in another post that you're in Wisconsin which means are climates are similar. Is there another strain you'd recommend 4 our climate? I like an early flowering strain
I would recommend incredible bulk...huge yeilds and it finishes before everything else.
Gg4 can be an 11 week strain....that is why its behind
You ever hear of Jamaican Dream? Supposed to be a good yielder and 45 day finish. Looking to try that and a strain on seedsman called The New with huge yields and 28% thc and high resin for concentrates
No I haven't heard of it but Ty for the info. The regular Jamaican that we used to get in the 70s was pretty good and fluffy as compared to the seedy Mexican pot of the day. I will look into those strains.
Fug yeah Michigan weather back to normal!!!!! Dry and windy all day like I like it, my 2 week mildew nightmare daily has come to a close hopefully. Watching the infrared cams right now as everything is dry and gently swaying to and fro. Not even stressing the morning dew... and I didn't have to use my AK..
Fug yeah Michigan weather back to normal!!!!! Dry and windy all day like I like it, my 2 week mildew nightmare daily has come to a close hopefully. Watching the infrared cams right now as everything is dry and gently swaying to and fro. Not even stressing the morning dew... and I didn't have to use my AK..
When it's dreary like that for days on end, I feel like I can't do anything sometimes. Gotta be hard on plants.
This is only my second year of growing Outdoors at home but I still say the strain that I have holds promise. Yeah there's some diversity but I haven't had buds like this from "reputable" breeders, ever. Big buds like that first week of September, nope never. The way I see it I can work with this strain or go spend buku $$ on seeds from a "reputable" breeder. Don't get me wrong, I'll keep looking at other strains but I think I have something here worth working with considering my Northern climate. I don't care much for taking my chances on an October Harvest. And I'm getting a little tired of handing big money over for seeds.
On the seedsman site it says "the new" matures in mid October. Deal breaker for me.

I'm in mid Michigan, half my grow is mid to late October, guess we'll see. This winter I'm getting a big greenhouse so next year's grow won't be as precarious.
I'm in mid Michigan, half my grow is mid to late October, guess we'll see. This winter I'm getting a big greenhouse so next year's grow won't be as precarious.
I'm thinking about a greenhouse but I don't know if I'm going to grow pot in it because my Township has special regulations 4 pot greenhouses. My grow is mid to late October too but I would like to change that. All the rain we had last year... Have you tried the incredible bulk strain that ganga is talking about?
4 days ago. (not mine, a neighbors, and no I'm not touching it. ) Impressive size but not very frosty.IMG_2661.JPG

Mine, still a way to go but coming along nicely, hoping for sunshine through Sept and Oct. Very different flowering start times between these two strains. I'd say it was at least 3-4 weeks.
Located here.map.PNG
I'm thinking about a greenhouse but I don't know if I'm going to grow pot in it because my Township has special regulations 4 pot greenhouses. My grow is mid to late October too but I would like to change that. All the rain we had last year... Have you tried the incredible bulk strain that ganga is talking about?

No I haven't tried that strain but it looks like a good all around plant. The rain, putting up 500 feet of fence and a whole list of things is why I didn't start till the end of June outside. Hoping to start in mid May next year with the greenhouse.