Early Problems With First Grow

Also I'm running 250w was running mh for first 3 weeks than connection got loose on ballast lost light had a has 250 so have had it in since and will be switching to 400w in flower


Well-Known Member
Those are both great tools I will make sure to keep copies on record. I currently have my 600w MH at about 22", as far as heat goes I can drop it to about 12" and still maintain temps of around 79-81 as I have an air cooled hood. However, my understanding is that 600w MH run a few degrees hotter in temp then HPS, does anyone know the truth to this?

Also my understanding is that unlike humans, plants can endure greater levels of radiant heat, however are not as comfortable to air temperatures. Not sure this is necessarily the case with our ladies, but my Environmental science teacher discussed that a plant can usually hand about 20 degrees hotter of radiant heat over air temp. Based off of this theory, wouldn't that mean you want room temp below 80 and canopy temp below 100? Just wonder, as I have kept my canopy below 85 and room below 80, but moved the light up to play it safer so canopy is now at 80 and room is approximately 76.
Not exactly sure on what runs hotter yet, As for the heat I'm only using 0ne RH readout and it's at the base of My plants and I'm normally around 75-80 and 40-55 for RH. I'm also running 24/0 to help recover my topping and also to try keep my fungus gnats out last 2 plain water feeding I've used 30ml to a gallon of %3 hydrogen poroxide to insure and larvae eggs get killed as 3 of my plants were stunned imo more than others I thought maybe that was the case. I also used the gnat mix glass soil topping so far I'd say the fungus Nat activity has dropped %50 from what it was.. I think tonight I'm going to start 18/6 and let my roots start to push more, don't want to rush it and root bound my plant again lol so I already have 2 bags of fox farm soil ready just need to get 5 gallon pots... was going to wait tell I could sex my clones but fear my plants will be stunned as it will be another 2 weeks before I tell. Also don't want to waste to much soil and cause a mess just to drain the pots from the males I find 2 weeks after doing it... just like superfen said never thought I'd be into gardening but now I find myself wanting to start the same garden I spent 2 summers stopping in my back yard when I got my house... now I enjoy the upkeep lol looking forward to seeing your incredible bulk into harvest


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's amazing how growing a couple plants can kind of get you hooked from the get go! one digital thermo/hygro up by my carbon filter that holds a solid 50%RH and 79f, I have another hydro below the light just a couple inches about where the plants are currently that reads +/-2* from the one by carbon filter. I have a regular thermometer about 8 inches above current plant height directly below my light that reads about 85f and 1 hanging on each side of my light that run about 80f. On top of that I use a couple smaller thermometers for my soil, that usually run about low-mid 70's. I've always been kind of a numbers guy so by having the variety of locations for each instruments I can make sure I have even temperatures through out the room.