Early problems with my babys


Well-Known Member
Hey guys my plants are about 2.5 Weeks old, and im starting to get some messed up leaves and what not. New to this so just trying to figure out exactly what it is, and what i should do. heres some pics, thanks.



Well-Known Member
the lights wash out the problem...try taking pictures with your lights out...also detail out what you are growing in...nutrients used..etc...

they are nice and compact so far...any idea what the root system looks like yet in those small pots?


Well-Known Member
There growing under one 400w HPS light, with another 400w light next to it supporting more plants, The root system is probably getting stopped up by now since those pots are small. I would transplant them but im afraid of messing things up. I dont mind them being small since there my first grow, and there actually autoflowering, or at least majority of them are. I planted them in Miracle Gro Moisture Control, yes yes now i know not the best idea. but thats how it is for this time since i didnt know i should have 3 weeks ago. Anyways heres some better pictures without the lights on themphoto 2.jpgphoto 1.jpg


Active Member
Looks like heavy nutes, lay off the food and see if it moves up. If it doesnt youre good to go, if it heads up you need to flush. IMO


Well-Known Member
I would also give a good flush, size of your pots has nothing to do with it.. Is that moisture control organic or time released?


Well-Known Member
its miracle grow moisture control, so i guess the nutes in that soil are too much for the plants, they continue to grow pretty well though


Well-Known Member
I think u had cal/mag def then watered them with high nuts and ...
U burnt her not cured her
Take really max and massah advices . They are such as perfect doctors on this ways
Best wishes all and oh cheers


Well-Known Member
yes its the time released i beleive it says "Feeds up to one month" on the bag. im considering doing a flush, should this be done at the beginning or end of the light cycle?


Active Member
problem with flushing is, those nutes are released by the water not an actual timer. you hit them with a shit pot of water, your gonaa hit them with a shitpot of nutes...i think. you may want to look into it


Well-Known Member
Yeah im not sure, maybe ill just ride it out, and know better for next time..

Anyways onto the next plant that is being weird this one has very little yellowing except for the bottom, but folding leaves, any ideas?



Active Member
probably not a coincidence, thinking gonna be about the same problem. not sure man. I use roots Organic soil, had great luck!!

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
wait if it is time releases flushing it will release more nutes. Tbh i think your having a ph issue if you did not add any lime to your soil thats your problem i have used MG soil every grow and the ph level of MG soil is 5.4 without adding lime with MG soil you MUST add dolomite lime to it. the PH of the water your adding to the soil doesnt matter when the soil is 5.4 grab some lime and add it in around 1/4 of cup per gallon but all soil is different if you add lime and get it to the ph you want you will not have any problms with ph for quite awhile.