Early signs of A male?


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness, "Males" tend to have a "stickier" stem relative to a female. Read that "umpteen" years ago, could be "bogus". Scent will give you an idea of the genetics (to an extent) and sometimes even an inkling to the final product.

The "nuts"/bananas are a dead giveaway. The only "full on" male I've encountered had fully developed bananas and smal white flowers on day 4 of flowering (4 days from light "flip").
did you notice if your male plant. growing was bigger than females??


Well-Known Member
you say that but.......

Just this run

we had 2 clones taken from a big bud that got hit by a something that fell

both clones were taken from the same plant at the same time, before it sexed

the plant was female we finished it

we moved the 2 clones over one was potted up in a big pot one was left in a 15L to sex and go outside later

the one in the big pot went male, the one in the little plant went female

only difference was one plant was put on the red side of the bloom tent and the female was put closer to the blue lights

It threw me, never expected that ok I know that the plant can throw balls out anytime but if the mum sexes female normally the clones will too, but to see one do one and one do the other was strange, if they both went male I`d get it, its been hot, ebay seeds bad luck, fucked up feeding too much ga3 or boosters

but they got treated the same if anything the one that went male was in a bigger pot so should have been cooler I would of expected the one in the smaller pot to sex male due to hotter rootzone

oh well put the female in the bigger pot and killed the male, due to the mother plant flowering a bit shit I would not have ran either of them but my veggers are looking a bit short as I had the main outfan jam up on the bloom 2/3 months ago so had to move all my veggers over back then and still playing catch up


Well-Known Member
did you notice if your male plant. growing was bigger than females??
Yeah your right it was noticeably larger and quicker growth, but I figured it was just good genetix now I realize it was just a booty false advertised seed... Was a freeby from mws but said feminized.. Should I try and cross him or toss him? I have no idea about the phenotypes/genotypes A1 F1 crap...


Well-Known Member
Is it possible that my plant could be a hermi today I noticed white hairs coming from the upper balls or calyx but the does towards bottom have no pistils... How is it possible that this feminized seed is flowering before my autos? I find that sorta odd.


Well-Known Member
I just snapped the top 2 nodes off the pink diesel but I taped it up and hopefully he/she it recuperates and builds up a sturdy knuckle... This is the first time I over did it... I supercroped my last grow like 6 times and each was a success, do you think even though the stem cracked it'll still heal?
I had a little mixup as seedlings they all doing over in a rainstorm so I'm not sure which is which I know the ones pink diesel because the stems were pink, auto blue broke her neck on the fall! RIP. But the problem is I can't identify the auto critical and the chronic lights fem, so I can know what dose of nutes to given.. Im thinking the shorter more compact one that already has a stinch is the auto.View attachment 3783168 View attachment 3783169 Also this is a little cluster of balls under where I toped pink diesel
View attachment 3783172
Looks like a male to me.


Well-Known Member
Early Signs of A Male?

A good stem rub can reveal a couple things. First, the scent will generally give you a good idea of what you're working with. Second, if one of these pops out at you while rubbing the stem, "She" is really a "He".

Hahaha I almost spit out my drink when I scrolled passed this. Thanks for that. Im saving this for future use btw.


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right it was noticeably larger and quicker growth, but I figured it was just good genetix now I realize it was just a booty false advertised seed... Was a freeby from mws but said feminized.. Should I try and cross him or toss him? I have no idea about the phenotypes/genotypes A1 F1 crap...
i tossed mine. that fuker got over 7 ft tall . if by chance i do get seeds in my females. . ill call it sour grapes. lol sour D and grape ape.

