Earth Juice Just For Coir- Pay for a Quart Get a Gallon

BB Boomer

Well-Known Member
I am posting my experience just in case someone else wants to give it a try.
I ordered EJ Just for Coir from Walmart online 3 days ago because it is almost impossible to find anywhere else although the local grow shop was willing to special order it. I ordered "Grow" Parts A & B and also "Bloom" Parts A & B. The pictures showed quart bottles and the prices were what you would expect for a quart bottle. Well they arrived today and everything is in gallon bottles. Now, I am not saying it couldn't just be an accident but I dunno. I guess though if you try them the worst that could happen is you only get what you paid for. The one thing is, the website doesn't actually mention a bottle size anywhere. It just shows the pictures and let's you draw your own conclusions. Here is the link I used. Juice Just for Coir
that's a score man
course I can't say i'm not a lil annoyed that they feel the need to sell you four different bottles though...
but I guess that's better than some "line-ups" they try to sell growers..
but hey, at least you got a good deal
How does it work in coco or Tupur?
same as any bottled nutrient really, it's just water based.
you are paying mostly for water, and having the nutrients all separate and such is asinine to me, but I'm not a big fan of hydro companies anyways
they are laughing allllll the way to the bank on the typical cannabis growers' tendency to be somewhat ignorant on basic horticulture knowledge.
not saying you are ignorant, i'm saying the industry as a whole is a lil shy on the full understanding of nutrients
annnd flushing...
annnnnd bloom-busters
annnnd so on.
same as any bottled nutrient really, it's just water based.
you are paying mostly for water, and having the nutrients all separate and such is asinine to me, but I'm not a big fan of hydro companies anyways
they are laughing allllll the way to the bank on the typical cannabis growers' tendency to be somewhat ignorant on basic horticulture knowledge.
not saying you are ignorant, i'm saying the industry as a whole is a lil shy on the full understanding of nutrients
annnd flushing...
annnnnd bloom-busters
annnnd so on.

How about this powdered mix? These are locals and the Yoda avatar dude likes them. Lots of locals, especially commercial grows, by beneficial bugs from them. 25 lb bag. 4-20-39. They said this is there MMJ mix.

They also have a slightly cheaper 10-8-22 mix.
How does it work in coco or Tupur?

It will be my first run with it so I can't say much right now. I just got some Zamaldelica from Ace seeds so that is what I am going to use it for.

that's a score man
course I can't say i'm not a lil annoyed that they feel the need to sell you four different bottles though...
I know what you mean. I have looked at other hydro nutes for coir and most of them always seem to go with 2 parts but not usually a set for veg and one for bloom. I like EJ though so I wanted to give them another go. I checked the labels and it seems the big difference is the extra Cal and Mag. One more thing, usually with organics (in soil anyways) I was led to believe pH'ing the water wasn't needed but this line up definitely tells you to do so to hydro values.
you are paying mostly for water, and having the nutrients all separate and such is asinine to me, but I'm not a big fan of hydro companies anyways
Down Tiger! LOL
I usually grow in Vic High's super soil (kind of dates me huh) although I am trying a premade (dry nutrient pack) right now from KIS organics. I am getting ready to do a grow of Zamaldelica though and I found from before that growing 100% sativa seems to work better for me in coco using liquid nutes. Now if you can offer up a "water only" super soil recipe for finicky sativas I am wide open to giving it a whirl and actually would appreciate it. I hate dicking with measuring out liquids, having them spill, stain skin/clothes, etc.
It will be my first run with it so I can't say much right now. I just got some Zamaldelica from Ace seeds so that is what I am going to use it for.

I know what you mean. I have looked at other hydro nutes for coir and most of them always seem to go with 2 parts but not usually a set for veg and one for bloom. I like EJ though so I wanted to give them another go. I checked the labels and it seems the big difference is the extra Cal and Mag. One more thing, usually with organics (in soil anyways) I was led to believe pH'ing the water wasn't needed but this line up definitely tells you to do so to hydro values.
keep in mind a bottled grow even with organics is much closer to a normal hydro grow rather than a natural one.
natural grows are more predicated on fresh humus and microbial diversity to bioconvert nutrients and soil inputs to humus and a cycled bioavailable form of nutrients, rather than a bottled grow that typically relies on the nutrients being chelated
not to mention in order for it to not go bad it's often balanced with acids and heat treated
it's just not ideal, but like anything it has it's allure.

I've grown nearly every which way you can, and once I discovered composting and wormbins the end product and "easiness" of it all become reaaallly evident.
I spend more energy on this forum just helping out than I do on my plants, by far.
granted i'm here at my shop anyways, so it's more to kill time, but either way..
a good fresh compost made growing simple as hell.
it was easy before, but now I almost feel guilty when people compliment my herb when they smoke it, I almost feel like i'm not doing enough to take credit
BUT, that's what it is, we are replicating nature, and nobody sees anyone sprinkle teas or whatnot in fields of grass or forests dense in massive trees (how much macro/micro nutrients do you think that 150 foot tall and 30,000 lb redwood took to grow??)
a whole lot, is how much...
and WHO fed it?
well, not a damn person, it relies on a healthy microbial diversity (trees actually more so fungal, by far than plants, and more relient on arboscular ectomychorizal types of fungi) but all of that feeds off leaf detritus or other forms of forest detritus.
it's all so simple and yet SO complex when you get really into it

But a natural way of growing with an emphasis on leaves as the base form the compost and it's nearly the exact same concept as nature has, cannabis is an annual, so each yr's new plants rely solely on the previous yrs plant being composted and converted back into useable nutrients from the soilweb and microbial interaction.
another reason why I highly recommend using as MUCH cannabis inputs as you can to make the compost
growers normally throw away the leaves...
remember nature has evolved itself perfectly for the plant to just need it's OWN detritus to grow each and every yr, and that's what our goal is, to replicate nature.
sure we are growing in containers, and inside, and with artificial lighting, but if you get the core concept down, the rest is amazingly simple.
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keep in mind a bottled grow even with organics is much closer to a normal hydro grow rather than a natural one.
natural grows are more predicated on fresh humus and microbial diversity to bioconvert nutrients and soil inputs to humus and a cycled bioavailable form of nutrients, rather than a bottled grow that typically relies on the nutrients being chelated
not to mention in order for it to not go bad it's often balanced with acids and heat treated
it's just not ideal, but like anything it has it's allure.

I've grown nearly every which way you can, and once I discovered composting and wormbins the end product and "easiness" of it all become reaaallly evident.
I spend more energy on this forum just helping out than I do on my plants, by far.
granted i'm here at my shop anyways, so it's more to kill time, but either way..
a good fresh compost made growing simple as hell.
it was easy before, but now I almost feel guilty when people compliment my herb when they smoke it, I almost feel like i'm not doing enough to take credit
BUT, that's what it is, we are replicating nature, and nobody sees anyone sprinkle teas or whatnot in fields of grass or forests dense in massive trees (how much macro/micro nutrients do you think that 150 foot tall and 30,000 lb redwood took to grow??)
a whole lot, is how much...
and WHO fed it?
well, not a damn person, it relies on a healthy microbial diverse (trees actually more so fungal, by far than plants, and more relient on arboscular ectomychorizal types of fungi, and all that feeds of leaf detritus or other forms of detritus.
it's all so simple and yet SO complex when you get really into it

Damn - I thought it was Big Mike at Adv Nutes using his Bud Candy to get those Redwoods to grow so big. :wink: I avoid TV but was watching a few shows on the Galapagoes and Madagascar. The whole ecology of those rain forests and other areas of both of those islands (and chain with Galapagoes which are mainly volcanic islands) is amazing. The arid parts with trees growing with almost no water is also incredible.

I was talking to a good dude who works at a grow store who has his own grow and other businesses. He works part time there. I asked him what he uses and he makes his own soil.
Down Tiger! LOL
I usually grow in Vic High's super soil (kind of dates me huh) although I am trying a premade (dry nutrient pack) right now from KIS organics. I am getting ready to do a grow of Zamaldelica though and I found from before that growing 100% sativa seems to work better for me in coco using liquid nutes. Now if you can offer up a "water only" super soil recipe for finicky sativas I am wide open to giving it a whirl and actually would appreciate it. I hate dicking with measuring out liquids, having them spill, stain skin/clothes, etc.
nah man, I didn't mean it like that at all, that's why I mentioned the companies as the object of my aggression
I can give you probably ten different recipes for a water only that'll do a sativa no problem, provided you give the lady some room.
dependent on the flowering times, but I typically run mostly sativa dom hybrids, I don't really prefer the indica stone...
that is I don't prefer to stagger/crawl to the fridge to finish off the long expired raspberry jam, armed with nothing but a knife and an intoxicated smile...
I am closing shop right now, but if you are interested I can help with a soil mix for that, you'll want a good mix based on dry meals with slower release times.
which is exactly how I grow.
i'm not on the internet at night though (personal reasons) so if you'd like I can happily help you tomorrow.
but you could VERY easily do that with no problems, but there is a good amount of prep work involved.
Sure. I was just mentioning a possible good deal if someone was already of thinking of getting it. I don't disagree with your points, I just didn't expect to get pistol whipped for trying to save somebody some money. Peace out and maybe we can meet on friendlier terms in the future.
Yes I am interested in a organic soil recipe for full blown sativas. I have no problem spending the coin and being I'm in my 50's I have the patience for even involved prep work. I just never could find a recipe that addresses their touchy feeding habits especially regarding nitrogen. The fact is I don't care for hydro growing but it has always been easier for me to keep the full sativas happy. I don't claim to be a rocket scientist in organics though. I do believe you are what you eat/smoke though. I have been looking for a change with the way I have been doing things which has been the same recipe and same methods for the last 14 years. Everything just seemed to start tasting the same, grow the same, blah blah blah. The fact is I am dying for a new organic recipe and even more so for one that I can grow sativas in because then I finally can ditch hydro completely. I have flower gardens I can always use the EJ on. I will watch for your postings. Thank you
Yes I am interested in a organic soil recipe for full blown sativas. I have no problem spending the coin and being I'm in my 50's I have the patience for even involved prep work. I just never could find a recipe that addresses their touchy feeding habits especially regarding nitrogen. The fact is I don't care for hydro growing but it has always been easier for me to keep the full sativas happy. I don't claim to be a rocket scientist in organics though. I do believe you are what you eat/smoke though. I have been looking for a change with the way I have been doing things which has been the same recipe and same methods for the last 14 years. Everything just seemed to start tasting the same, grow the same, blah blah blah. The fact is I am dying for a new organic recipe and even more so for one that I can grow sativas in because then I finally can ditch hydro completely. I have flower gardens I can always use the EJ on. I will watch for your postings. Thank you
Grease knows his soils. I took his great advice a few years ago and honestly was the best move I ever made. I spend 30 minutes a day in my garden. With about 25 of those 30 spent owwwing and awwwing. It doesn't take a rocket scientist. Can be done in small areas and you can set yourself up to never spend another dollar on soil or nutrients for years and years.
Sure. I was just mentioning a possible good deal if someone was already of thinking of getting it. I don't disagree with your points, I just didn't expect to get pistol whipped for trying to save somebody some money. Peace out and maybe we can meet on friendlier terms in the future.
well, i'm not sure how to respond to that, if you re-read what I said I thought I was being fairly clear that the object of my scorn wasn't you in the slightest, it's the hydro companies that insist on breaking up all the little parts of their nutrients into a "lineup" and then essentially coerce growers into thinking that they need special cannabis specific nutrients in like 7 different bottles.
in no way do I think what I said should be taken as a "pistol whipping"
in fact in no way can I see how you feel that way to begin with, but es la vida
don't be so sensitive man, anybody that knows me on this site will attest to my generally helpful and friendly inputs.
re-read what I wrote.
I even re-iterated that it wasn't you that was the object of my complaint.
Grease knows his soils. I took his great advice a few years ago and honestly was the best move I ever made. I spend 30 minutes a day in my garden. With about 25 of those 30 spent owwwing and awwwing. It doesn't take a rocket scientist. Can be done in small areas and you can set yourself up to never spend another dollar on soil or nutrients for years and years.
i'm beyond fuckin stoked to hear that man, and THAT is exactly why I spend time on this forum, to hopefully let others see how easy and cheap it can be to actually get the best results. I feel compelled to show/tell as many as possible, simply because I wish I would have learned about this decades ago.
it's just extremely rare in the world where cheaper, easier, better for the environment, and dare i say more FUN, actually net you the optimal desired results.
that just doesn't ever seem to be the case in the world.
mother nature perfected it, and fine tuned It for millennia, and somehow man came along and thought we could improve it with chemicals....
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Down Tiger! LOL
I usually grow in Vic High's super soil (kind of dates me huh) although I am trying a premade (dry nutrient pack) right now from KIS organics. I am getting ready to do a grow of Zamaldelica though and I found from before that growing 100% sativa seems to work better for me in coco using liquid nutes. Now if you can offer up a "water only" super soil recipe for finicky sativas I am wide open to giving it a whirl and actually would appreciate it. I hate dicking with measuring out liquids, having them spill, stain skin/clothes, etc.

ok, so i have absolutely NO hard feelings at all man, i'm extraordinarily laid-back, i'd like to help you if you want
it's one of my philosophies in life to treat all people with respect , and i apologize if you mistook what i said, i attempted (failed it would appear) to be clear that my beef was with the hydro companies and not you at all.

is this the soil recipe that you use?
I searched and this is what came up with vic highs super soil

1 bale of promix
15-30 lbs. of wormcastings
4 cups of dried blood
8 cups of bone meal
4 cups of kelp
4 cups of dolomite lime
1 1/3 cups of epsom salt

here's another couple I found

1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft)
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source
3-4 cups dolomite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
1 tsp fritted trace elements
4 cups kelp meal.
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings

1 bale ProMix HP 3.8 cu ft.
  • 8 cups Bone Meal
  • 4 cups Blood Meal
  • 4 cups Kelp Meal
  • 1 1/3 cups Epsom Salt
  • 4 cups Pulvarized Dolomite Lime
  • 25 lbs. Pure EWC

if these are close to what you use I can help you improve on that.
theres a LOT to improve, that isn't a optimal mix for a water only, and faaar from a water only for a sativa..
the second recipe there is a lil off, adding 4 cups of d-lime to that mix is waay too much magnesium, and way too much liming attributes as well, the promix is prelimed, 4 cups of d-lime is too much for triple that amount of soil.
like I said the recipe leaves a lot to be desired, and I don't mean to sound elitist, arrogant, know-it-all, or whatno.
But science and me are buddies, i am a diagnostician, and i have neurotic way of analyzing and researching things that interest me. Not saying i know everything there is to know about botany and microbial science, but i have a fairly comprehensive understanding on how it works, and why things are used, and what to use and why.
anyways i know i came come off a lil opinionated to people, i tend to have strong opinions on the things i am well versed on, and i have spent years on research solely because it's a natural interest of mine,

so do they have you layer the super soil like subcool's recipe?

you mentioned finicky sativas, in what regard specifically?
I've actually grown out a fair amount of sativas and I've ran into the typical "norms", foxtailing, never quite finishing, fluffy airy buds regardless of light, loooong flowering times, HUGE stretches between nodes, etc.
I use the first one. It is just so darn simple and at least when under hid lights I never had to do anything but us plain water and never had a nute def. It seems though that most everything just ends up tasting the same and I can't help but believing there is more. Something to help pronounce the terpenes if that is possible. This is the mix I am trying now. It is the first grow I am using it.
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