Earth Juice Oilycann...? Help!


hey all! Relatively new to growing and have a lot to learn. Bought the earth juice line (grow, bloom, catalyst, meta-k, microblast, hi-brix, assist, and oilycann). I am in 4th week of flower and using a mixture every other watering... Just been using (per gallon) 1tbsp bloom, 1tsp catalyst, 1tsp grow, 1tsp hi-brix... Using 1tsp of microblast and 1tsp of meta-k twice during flower... I have not touched the assist or the oilycann... Am I missing out!? Should I be using or is it too late? If I should be... How much and how often. Really appreciate your help!!!! Thanks! Also - thoughts on fulvic acid?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
hey all! Relatively new to growing and have a lot to learn. Bought the earth juice line (grow, bloom, catalyst, meta-k, microblast, hi-brix, assist, and oilycann). I am in 4th week of flower and using a mixture every other watering... Just been using (per gallon) 1tbsp bloom, 1tsp catalyst, 1tsp grow, 1tsp hi-brix... Using 1tsp of microblast and 1tsp of meta-k twice during flower... I have not touched the assist or the oilycann... Am I missing out!? Should I be using or is it too late? If I should be... How much and how often. Really appreciate your help!!!! Thanks! Also - thoughts on fulvic acid?
It's better late than never to give them liquid cal-mag which is what the oilycann is & I've used it in my organic grow. Nothing special; I prefer the General Organics brand liquid cal mag myself but the EJ stuff works ok too. As far as the rest of the EJ line I thought it was synthetic but after viewing the ingredients maybe it is organic. Here's a link that lists the ingredients of EJ nutes and how to use them:

I use mostly just dry soil amendments, worm casting, and the occasional tea like many in this forum who loathe to use stuff from a bottle but I hope this helps you. Good luck & happy growing


Well-Known Member
It's better late than never to give them liquid cal-mag which is what the oilycann is & I've used it in my organic grow. Nothing special; I prefer the General Organics brand liquid cal mag myself but the EJ stuff works ok too. As far as the rest of the EJ line I thought it was synthetic but after viewing the ingredients maybe it is organic. Here's a link that lists the ingredients of EJ nutes and how to use them:

I use mostly just dry soil amendments, worm casting, and the occasional tea like many in this forum who loathe to use stuff from a bottle but I hope this helps you. Good luck & happy growing
That's nice work digging that up

hey all! Relatively new to growing and have a lot to learn. Bought the earth juice line (grow, bloom, catalyst, meta-k, microblast, hi-brix, assist, and oilycann). I am in 4th week of flower and using a mixture every other watering... Just been using (per gallon) 1tbsp bloom, 1tsp catalyst, 1tsp grow, 1tsp hi-brix... Using 1tsp of microblast and 1tsp of meta-k twice during flower... I have not touched the assist or the oilycann... Am I missing out!? Should I be using or is it too late? If I should be... How much and how often. Really appreciate your help!!!! Thanks! Also - thoughts on fulvic acid?
Earth juice is good stuff.... If I could only have one bottle ever again it would be micro blast

Or jack


Thanks... Appreciate it... So how often, how much, when do I start/stop? That post is great. I've read it many times but says nothing about oilycann....?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
There's no feed chart in Organic growing...its up to you to provide what your plants need. If you use RO or distilled water it contains very little macros like calcium & magnesium so you'll need to give them the oilycann which is just cal mag with added humic acid. I give my plants cal mag more often than others because my RO water lacks it. They need a lot in bloom so I would be giving them the oilycann at every other or every 2nd watering along with everything else and as suggested in the post I linked. If you are using a fertilized organic soil you may need much less than this and use those EJ nutes like a tea or what's called "soup style" organics. Personally I prefer mostly just water and I give tea maybe once or twice a month or as needed but that is because my mix is very rich & doesn't need much else. Wish I had a better answer but there it is- it's all up to you but you are in mid flower now: I'd add the oilycann & just keep on doing what you doing if it's working for ya- you've gotten this far already lol


There's no feed chart in Organic growing...its up to you to provide what your plants need. If you use RO or distilled water it contains very little macros like calcium & magnesium so you'll need to give them the oilycann which is just cal mag with added humic acid. I give my plants cal mag more often than others because my RO water lacks it. They need a lot in bloom so I would be giving them the oilycann at every other or every 2nd watering along with everything else and as suggested in the post I linked. If you are using a fertilized organic soil you may need much less than this and use those EJ nutes like a tea or what's called "soup style" organics. Personally I prefer mostly just water and I give tea maybe once or twice a month or as needed but that is because my mix is very rich & doesn't need much else. Wish I had a better answer but there it is- it's all up to you but you are in mid flower now: I'd add the oilycann & just keep on doing what you doing if it's working for ya- you've gotten this far already lol
Thank you again for the response!!! I will try oilycann the next feeding and keep a close watch!! I bubble all in a 5 gallon for 24-48 hour and use mixes provided in that link...I've read that one 5-10 times to make sure I don't miss/forget anything... Thanks again


Castings would be better for you.... That oilycann is more for the organic hydro crowd (whoever that is)

That link he found for you is gold tho ..... Read it again lol

Ignore anything you hear about pots without drain holes tho
Thanks... I had read that article multiple times to make sure I wasn't missing anything haha... Yeah - I am in smart pots and used FFOF, roots organics, black gold organic, and happy frog from fox farm and mixed in castings and perlite... Haven't used castings since originally mixing in soil... Should I add to the 5gallon 24-48 hour bubble I have going for next feeding? How much?



Well-Known Member
Thanks... I had read that article multiple times to make sure I wasn't missing anything haha... Yeah - I am in smart pots and used FFOF, roots organics, black gold organic, and happy frog from fox farm and mixed in castings and perlite... Haven't used castings since originally mixing in soil... Should I add to the 5gallon 24-48 hour bubble I have going for next feeding? How much?


A cup or two in a five is plenty..... Should topdress w some

Four weeks into flower tho you shouldn't need to feed too much

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Castings would be better for you.... That oilycann is more for the organic hydro crowd (whoever that is)

That link he found for you is gold tho ..... Read it again lol

Ignore anything you hear about pots without drain holes tho
Totally agree - much of what is included inside those bottles could easily be replaced by soil amendments and fresh castings are much better than anything you can source from a grow store. I recommend starting a worm bin to have a regular supply of castings if you plan to grow organic. It will save you money long term & then you won't have to spend it on EJ products. Use what you have but there are much better options out there if you want to grow organic bud. Read the stickies here they are full of great info & get yourself a book on Organics to reference.