There is a lot about Earth Juice in this forum, even in some of the threads on the first page. I recently made a post about it because I use the stuff. I use the Grow, Bloom and Micro (foliarly) along with other supplements but they can be used by themselves with good results. It is quite affordable as far as organic liquid fertilizers go and the only problems I have had can be attributed to mistakes I have made, not the product itself.
You need at least the Grow for vegetative growth and I would recommend having both the Grow and Bloom to use in conjunction during flowering. The Bloom has an N-P-K of 0-3-1, if you're unfamiliar with the basic concept behind what NPK, secondary and trace nutrients are all of that is explained in various places.
Once you have a basic understanding of that (if you don't already), here is how it applies to Earth Juice. The Grow is a 2-1-1 and this is where all your nitrogen will come from. The Bloom (0-3-1) contains virtually no nitrogen (N), mainly phosphorous (P) and near adequate Potassium (K). You can use just the Grow throughout vegetative growth, but once the plants are flowering you have to switch to using primarily Bloom. The plants will need less N the further along they are in flower, consequently they need much more P and a little more K. You wont be switching to Bloom fertilizer suddenly, rather tapering the Grow and increasing the Bloom over time. Once you are halfway through flowering you'll want to be using almost entirely Bloom. There are various ways in which you can go through this process, you can either give lower dosages of Grow with the Bloom but do so with almost every feeding up until the final few weeks. Or you can taper from the Grow completely within the first month or so of flowering, and give somewhat more Grow on occasion, such as every other week.
In any case you want to let your plants become deficient in nitrogen at least during the last week of flower to allow for best flavor and burning characteristics. Many variables influence how much of what and for how long, and the soil you are using might contain enough fertilizer to last your plants from a couple weeks to a month or beyond. Earth Juice nutrients are quite forgiving, and so long as your soil pH isn't radically out side of the ideal (between 6.3-6.8 ) your plants will show you when and what they need to be fed. They are also raw, tending to be thick and on the acidic side. For this reason you want to be sure your soil has plenty of dolomite lime and/or crushed egg or oyster shell (calcium carbonate). There things are available in forms from very fine powders to coarser chunks. The finer it is the fasting acting, whereas coarser particles will break down slower and provide more long term benefits. I would recommend using both, and/or working a little extra into the soil every few weeks.
In order to boost potassium throughout growth, especially while flowering and also to feed soil microorganisms, you can use regular unsulphured blackstrap molasses (I've been using Plantation brand). Aside from being rich in potassium, it also contains calcium and magnesium (secondary), iron, copper, zinc, and manganese.
IndicaFriendica: way to contribute.