
Lol two knifes on the fighting chicken than he would dominate those cats,take care of the earwigs,maybe help out with the trimming sessions

I once paid $5 to see a chicken play checkers but damn I'd paid more than that to see a chicken that can trim my reefer fertilize my garden and ward off bug's while warding off the local feral cat's that keep confusing my garden with a litterbox (damn cat feces lost a whole crop once due to salmonella I am guessing something funky got in the bud that's all I know) in fact now I am tempted to train and market a new breed of chicken... the perimeter defense fowl.
Wolf spiders are what we used in out door gardens they will kill them all and any other bugs that come around
Wolf spiders are what we used in out door gardens they will kill them all and any other bugs that come around
what? I have a bunch of wolf spiders!! lol. They used to hunt on my seedlings at the beginning of the season. I had some red spider mites......after the wolf spiders came they were gone haha. I might have to catch some.....they have been hiding alot lately. Thanks for the tip.
OMG I hate earwigs....I have so many of them where I live. I know what you can try:

Take a few containers....like large deli salad containers and 1/2 fill with soy sauce. Poke some holes just big enough for them to fit trough and put a few around your perimeter. They should smell the soy sauce and climb their ways to a salty death.
i'll have mine with pickled ginger!!
How's the beer traps working fresno ?
Oh man. I think they worked...haven't really been to my "whatever area", as ABM calls it lol, lately. But I have noticed those plants perking up and looking happier...I noticed some chomping action on some leaves so I think I got rid of the earwigs, but now I have caterpillars again lol. Bastards. I will check the traps today and if I caught any earwigs I'll snap pics.
Damn, I cracked open nugs and found a live caterpillars just chompin right thru before. What do you prefer for the caterpillars? I like the parasite technique idea but havent tried it yet.
Wolf spiders? Shit we got em too, My kid jars em up all the time. Tight!
Damn, I cracked open nugs and found a live caterpillars just chompin right thru before. What do you prefer for the caterpillars? I like the parasite technique idea but havent tried it yet.
Wolf spiders? Shit we got em too, My kid jars em up all the time. Tight!
I prefer Neem oil for now.....but after week 4 of flowering I will only use BT......The Neem kills the grasshoppers too so that is I why I like it. But it stinks so i don't want it in my buds......BT works good on caterpillars and young grasshoppers......but not the adult grasshoppers.
what? I have a bunch of wolf spiders!! lol. They used to hunt on my seedlings at the beginning of the season. I had some red spider mites......after the wolf spiders came they were gone haha. I might have to catch some.....they have been hiding alot lately. Thanks for the tip.

I am a ninny I get scared of attracting spiders to my patch, but they come anyway. I don't know this by experience but supposedly you can attract them by making a small dry wood pile by the patch. With the way they protect my kindling rack I believe it may work. Wish I could remember the details, because one is supposed to stack it a certain way to keep some of the wood in the middle from getting soaked... anyone else know what I am talking about? I also have a rock pile in the corner of my veggie garden that attracted a few funnel web's that have been working great for a ton of ground pests. But be wary funnel web's are very poisonous but also very timid, they don't come out much during the day unless uber freaked out.
STEP ON THEM! how hard is it. Everyday when I water my pots either 20 baby crickets come out or 1 or 2 pincher bugs. What do I do? Step on the pincher bugs and leave the crickets alone.
I had some on a plant in my outdoor garden earlier this year.At first they had me trippin thought they would hurt something as it turns out they didn't/don't do shit.
If steping on them does work. get this bait. http://www.pestproducts.com/intice-perimeter-bait.htm

actually they dont even eat roots. they live in soil or under debris and eat mites, aphids, basically anything smaller than them and can fit in their mouths.


They are not known to eat root systems, but are known to live in soil and under yard trash/debris
lol glad you corrected yourself lol.....thanks for the link