

Well-Known Member
Something's been eating holes in my leaves for a few weeks. I went out a few nights ago and found several earwigs hanging out on the leaves.

Do they eat marijuana leaves? If they do, will neem oil get rid of them?


Active Member
they like eating soft plant tissue but generally speaking usually eat other bugs, they're probably your issue. they're attracted to cold and damp so wet some newspaper set it around your weed and when they collect throw it out or set it on fire lmao, either that or get some diatomaceous earth.

try not to use pesticides, I don't think its bad persay for the plant but I wouldn't really wanna smoke shit thats been doused with the crap everywhere, I suggest you either find some alternatives if my two dont sound appealing or find a healthy hazardous free pest control product, someone on here has to know how to control them and with what, im not as awesome as most of these cool cats here but hopefully it helped.



Well-Known Member
I've been using neem oil for two weeks. My plants are outdoor and have not started flowering yet, so this will not affect the taste of the finished product or harm the plants as it is 100% organic. Neem oil works by absorbing into the leaf and then poisoning whatever insect eats the leaves.

By the way, those are wikipedia's suggestions, not yours ;)

Wikipedia also says that earwigs are predators in the insect world and may be preying on whatever is causing the major damage, so I don't want to get rid of them if they are beneficial.


Active Member
when did I say it was my information? *scans* oh yeah thats right, I didn't. not that it should even matter who's or where it came from. I genuinely wanted to help so I did some research not just from wiki. I'm sure tons of people backup what they say from external sources or reassure their stance likewise in the same manner.

no need to be an ass about it, sorry for the attempt at helping, you obviously know what your doing in all of your greatness, this threads useless.


Well-Known Member
I don't think earwigs are doing it they eat mostly bugs and sometimes they scavenge but iv'e never heard of them eating a live plant.


Well-Known Member
If you're growing in planters, try getting them off the ground a couple inches, like set em' on bricks . . . don't use wood scraps, bugs love damp wood.


Well-Known Member
Thanks MrFishy, but my plants are in the earth, not planters.

when did I say it was my information? *scans* oh yeah thats right, I didn't. not that it should even matter who's or where it came from. I genuinely wanted to help so I did some research not just from wiki. I'm sure tons of people backup what they say from external sources or reassure their stance likewise in the same manner.

no need to be an ass about it, sorry for the attempt at helping, you obviously know what your doing in all of your greatness, this threads useless.
Nice. Way to get butt-hurt, dweeb. I hope I raised your blood pressure. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Well, in that case I've dealt w/earwigs in my organic veg garden forever. Don't know what they eat, but they don't seem to eat a lot of greens.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
they are ugly and gross- one of the only bugs i go out of my way to kill- that and ones that destroy my crop- but i havent had those, and i dont think earwigs will fuck up your crop- but ugly and still worth killing.

Put like an inch or two of playbox sand over the soil- make sure it isnt bleeched- but it will keep the earwigs and others- from making habit in your soil. Works really well from what i have heard.


Active Member
This year ive seen earwigs kill and mangle 3 outdoor plants ..my garden has been sage so far .neem oil does work .look for a little white mputh looking bug .outdoors they hang around lawns .a friend called them wolly hoppers .idk .soap and neem oil..good luck .best bet is to get some other good bugs .my plants were blessed by lady bugs .i have some big ..big spider around lol I watch them like a hawk .but they ate doing a great job with the grassholpper outside the grow .lol
Its a war choose you weapons wisely .lol I even have a frog living in my resavore ...good luckv
This is an old thread, I realize but....

...I have also been finding earwigs everywhere, inside and out. I've peppers, tomatoes, and some herbs in bags outside, and there were dozens hiding under the pots. I've a few seedlings and clones, and I found them on the stalk and in the soil. I've 2 flowering plants (at three weeks), and I found the (fucking) things hanging out on the leaves. We've even found them on the walls in the living room and in our upstairs bedroom! They don't seem to be causing much damage at the moment, but I fear that they will eat some, reduce yield, and I may never know. So, I've been killing them.

However, I now feel as though it is wrong to kill them. They seem to cause irregular harm to cannabis; they may provide some benefit by eating other, less-desirable, more harmful insects; they are one of few insects that display "maternal instincts," mothers tending to their eggs, cleaning and defending them, and even providing food for their young. (see "Life cycle and reproduction") They do not crawl into your ears, nor do they eat brain. They are ugly and gross, yes; but if being ugly and gross is a good reason to kill an individual, most of us should run and hide. :wink: The only thing that can justify our killing another sentient creature is, it seems to me, when that thing is causing us harm in some significant way. So, if the earwigs are not threatening the plants, and the earwigs are causing no other harms to plants or humans, then it would be wrong to kill them.

Sorry for the digression, but I think it is important for us to be reflective and not simply allow ourselves to react violently when no such reaction is required. I am guilty, and this is my attempt to combat this nasty human tendency.

The point is this. I also have earwigs, and there is very little information about the relationship between earwigs and cannabis. I will try to keep a close eye on my babies and the number of earwigs, and I will report about how things seemed to me.

In the mean time, here are some resources that I found helpful:




Just found this on one of my plants. I have had probably 10 leaves over the last week who had just a little snack taken out of them. This is under a microscope. So he was tiny. Any idea what it is?

