if you dont have plenty of time to dedicate dont bother, its no different than having a puppy or a baby, they depend on you to live! if you try to be cheap and skimp your way thru you will strugle. but if you can afford to give them the light and soil and food they need then your best bet would be to invest in a growers bible and read up! it can be fun when things are going good, iv tried it the cheap way.... real gay! now im growing with a real set up and every morning is like christmas i can wait to go check on them!
so my advice would be to read a growers bible and decide if you have what it takes ( risk vs reward as well) there are so many factors but be sure to have a solid environment (grow room) good light source ( HID or T5 flourecent setup) and use good soil ( wouldnt advise using dirt from your yard) there are many more important factors but thats a start
good luck and happy smoking!