Easiest way to chill multiple res

How are you going to cool compressed air? Seems impractical for our application, most shy away from air period. If your butchering a mini fridge, why would you try and cool air when you can cool water, put a coil in the fridge, pump water threw it, I didn’t read this whole thing.
Because in my setting I dont want to recirculate water , 1 water accident could ruin flooring ,that's why I went with DWC individual buckets (to many hoses for leaks and breaks) , if I wanted RDWC I would of bought RDWC . Everyone's setup is particular to them and their confines in location availability, we all know that . I really appreciate all the knowledge given me here but none of it answered my original question "has anyone tried cooling the air feeding the air stones to lower bucket temps" if so what were the results . Obviously nobody that's read this has tried it. Guess I'll be the 1st
Because in my setting I dont want to recirculate water , 1 water accident could ruin flooring ,that's why I went with DWC individual buckets (to many hoses for leaks and breaks) , if I wanted RDWC I would of bought RDWC . Everyone's setup is particular to them and their confines in location availability, we all know that . I really appreciate all the knowledge given me here but none of it answered my original question "has anyone tried cooling the air feeding the air stones to lower bucket temps" if so what were the results . Obviously nobody that's read this has tried it. Guess I'll be the 1st

Will not work. If you want to cool the water you need to cool the water, not the air. You could try to cover of the bottom part of the tent and drive cooled air through the air space created. This is a lot of work and RDWC would be the proper route to take.
Thanks bud but I never even considered using H2O2. To strong oxidizer to be safe IMO. One fuckup and you're screwed.

That's why I use chlorine, plants can actually use it instead of just getting a little extra added oxygen for 12 hours.
I used chlorine as well. It just seemed like it was just another thing I was chasing that I no longer had to with chilled water. It was actually a really bad case of root rot that basically wiped out a run that had me build the chiller. All in I was around $200 for the bill and that was a 6500 btu chiller with coopernickle exchanger ...... but I have access to that shit at wholesale pricing. As for the H2O2 yes it’s scary shit lol. It was like I was buying a nuke lol.
Man I just bought a 300w 100L aquarium chiller on ebay for $180. It uses a peltier chip and it works REALLY well. I use it for my recirculating system. It keeps 18 to 22 gallons at a cool 62 to 64 with zero issues. I have one small pump that sits in my main rez and it pumps water thru chiller constantly and another that circulates watet from rez thru buckets. Best money I've spent and I've done frozen water bottles, frozen hockey pucks, ice cubes made from ph 5.5 water etc.


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