Easiest way to collect and store pollen


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

The cutting ive been spraying with CS is growing balls finally :D

So i'm hoping someone has a fool proof way of collecting pollen from it. Is it best to put the plant under a light until they pop and collect the pollen on some paper or is it easier to collect the swollen pods before they pop and dry them out?

Also with storing the pollen, im looking at putting it in a seed envelope (after drying in a cool dark place for a few days) and then putting in a container in the freezer, is this sufficent or will i need some desiccant in the container?

Cheers guys!
Is that because wax paper doesnt absorb water?

I was intending on splitting the pollen into a few envelopes so i only use a little at a time :)
I use a black piece of poster board layed out on the floor. Shake the plant over the poster board then scrape the pollen up. Mix with some flour and immediately put in a sealed container and place in the fridge. Be sure everything is as dry as a popcorn fart. Moisture is the number one enemy of pollen. It get damp, its sterile.
Ah thanks man that's a good idea actually, makes sense to use a dark coloured background.

I'm planning on drying the pollen for a few days in a cool, dark spot before freezing, i hope it works!
Your most welcome..... You dont have to dry your pollen. Thats what the flour is for. Many say unbleached but personally I have used both, same same. Collect it in a very dry environment and immediately store it.

edit: My bad and before its asked. A ratio like 4 parts pollen to 1 part flour. That makes fairy dust......
And you can certainly dry the shit out of your flour before hand cause thats what you want PCF dry in the mix!
Realize this is an old thread, but for what it's worth, if you have a male and it has plenty o' pollen sacs ripening, I take food saver bag (holds pollen well for extended periods), cut it about as long as the male plant and seal one end. Take said male and place bag over the top to encase the desired portion of the plant. Bend plant at the base (close to ground) and cut it to fit in as best as possible. Now take a large bucket (I use a ten gallon bucket cause it provides adequate room and most plants I do this to are approx 3' tall) and a pole longer then the bucket is wide (I use an 18" piece of bamboo) to place across mouth of bucket. Take the bag with plant in it and slide bamboo between a branch to suspend the bag and plant inside of the bucket (I trim some lower branches with little or no pollen sacs, this allows it to be more of a tidy process). Place bucket in a dark, cool room for a couple days so the plant will dry up. I find it helpful to shake the stem or bamboo to help release pollen. After a few days, shake stem, remove plant from bag and cut bag to desired size, add some rice for moisture control and seal it. You will have loads of pollen. The only downside is that you kill your plant (clone if it very special) and you need a food saver or food vaccum sealer (I found one at a yard sale for $5, plus they are so fuggin handy). Be safe