Easiest way to PH water


Well-Known Member
hey all so im on my 3rd round of trying and Ph of the water is tedious..

im wondering if there is any sort of pills like they make for fish aquariums that can ph the water to an exat 5.8 - 6.0, this time around i been using those fish onse but they adjust my ph to 7.0 which is all i been doing but thats still too high.

my leafs are all rusty looking and turning yellow and dying from the bottom up.. is this magnesium def?? i just bought pure mag pills and dropped 1 in there see if that helps.. im guessing its the ph of my water making this happen though..

also any recommendations for the BEST nutes? from seed to sprout i use nothing.. then after about 5 inches or 3 weeks i want to get them going which would you use for VEG? and about when do you think i should be flowering? wait till i can count 8 nodes??

if i wait too long to flower am i just making the process take longer or is it worth alot more yeild... which is the fastest way to gain the most bud.

thanks yea i know alot of questions i just wanna fine tune everything. only growing a couple right now and doing hydro.. still cant get a perfect green plant.


Well-Known Member
what is your P.H. now?? an easy way to ajust ph is... to bring it down mix vinegar in with water, use around 2 teaspoons in a gallon and check ph and ajust less or more as needed. and to bring it up do the same with baking soda.
and as far as nutes go, i use advanced nutrient`s sensi grow part A&B for veg and sensi bloom part A&B, and big bud for flowering, all advanced nutrient`s products. they work awsome for on every grow, just use the nutrient calculator on their website exactly, maybe a little less at the beggening, but whenever i use them i use them on every watering. Just remember to leach your pots or whatever every few weeks to a month.
Hope this helps dude,


Well-Known Member
hey all so im on my 3rd round of trying and Ph of the water is tedious..

im wondering if there is any sort of pills like they make for fish aquariums that can ph the water to an exat 5.8 - 6.0, this time around i been using those fish onse but they adjust my ph to 7.0 which is all i been doing but thats still too high.

my leafs are all rusty looking and turning yellow and dying from the bottom up.. is this magnesium def?? i just bought pure mag pills and dropped 1 in there see if that helps.. im guessing its the ph of my water making this happen though..

also any recommendations for the BEST nutes? from seed to sprout i use nothing.. then after about 5 inches or 3 weeks i want to get them going which would you use for VEG? and about when do you think i should be flowering? wait till i can count 8 nodes??

if i wait too long to flower am i just making the process take longer or is it worth alot more yeild... which is the fastest way to gain the most bud.

thanks yea i know alot of questions i just wanna fine tune everything. only growing a couple right now and doing hydro.. still cant get a perfect green plant.
first off get a good meter, second try usin General Hydroponics PH adjusters they r in liquid form and r easy cheezy 2 use.ebay it http://cgi.ebay.com/pH-Control-Kit-UP-DOWN-And-Tester-Free-Shipping_W0QQitemZ120386722329QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item1c079b9a19&_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116


Well-Known Member
I bought a digital meter its just that the ph changes so often then i add ph up and down and end up doing this alot rather then just my lazy ass set it and forget it kinda way lol.

i guess maybe a bigger res is the way to go then it wont change on me so often.

thanks ill have to order some nutes online.. shipping cost alot in the end im over $80 to $150 i used dyna grow but i dont think its very good.. and ive tried walmarts schultz versions no good iether.


Well-Known Member
yeah my first grow i did bottled water.. guess ill just ph up and down its not actually that hard. is a PPM reader very important? i havent been draining my water i just add more water and ph it.. and the odd times add more nutes TINY bits at a time.


I'd like to know that too about the ppm..... just about the last thing for me to understand for a hydro gro


New Member
Buy a rapitest ph meter there pretty much accurate for about 15 bux.. Or check out ebay they always have them for sale, i bought one off there n it broke the first week i had it but then they sent me two more.. What dumb fucks..lol..