Easily accesible fertilizer??


Active Member
Right now I have 6 plants going in a small closet under some 4ft floros. Theyve gone a month with no nutes. I was wondering what is the best, and easily gettable, fertilizer to use? I was thinking miracle grow for tomatos. Any suggestions?


Active Member
I just got back from the store and came home with a box of miracle grow tomato. =( We don't have a garden shop within about 50 miles from me so I was limited to what Lowes had to offer. Still pretty bummed about that.....


Active Member
i am a king of vic sure is ting excite fumper of mothers block my suck bahahahahahahahahahahahaha if this is your first time growin you might want to go with a pretty level fertilizer i.e. 18-18-21 or 12-10-12 etc. or an organic fertilizer like goat shit or chicken shit but with it being inside smell might be an issue. at least it will help mask the sweet pungent aroma of your lovely ladies tho.


Active Member
maybe so young skywalker but know wat im talking about i do. mmmmmmm grow cannabis you must so the dark side you can defeat.


Active Member
Thats a nice lookin lady, slonez.
Supahmane.... stfun. lol.

Another quick question about nutes. The package says to mix 1 tbsp per gallon for outdoor and .5 tsp for indoor. Question is, should I follow the guidelines for indoor growing? I'm pretty sure most people don't keep theyre house plants under 24/0 lights.


Well-Known Member
Miracle Gro will not only work, its an excellent product, so long as you use it correctly.

First of all, when your plants are small, don't use it at full-strength.
Next, don't use it every time you water. Once a week is plenty.
Alternatively, if you feel like you want to use it with every watering, then use it diluted to maybe 1/3 strength.

Once you switch to flowering, you'll see better results with the "bloom buster" flowering formula rather than the regular formula.

Lastly, listen to your plants (or more specifically, watch them closely!).

If you see the leaf tips turning brown, you're using too much fertilizer. . .back off.
If the plants are WAY dark green, you've got plenty of fertilizer. . .back off.

If you're going to use soluble fertilizer like this, make sure to flush your soil will pure water every few weeks to prevent salt buildup.

Depending on your strain and what type of soil, you may see some benefit adding a little extra magnesium over what's in the Miracle Grow. Diluted Epsom salts will work fine.

As to concentration, I'd start with the indoor formula. Remember, you can always add more fertilizer. . .if you add too much its possible to seriously stunt or even kill your plant, and that's very easy to do with something like Miracle Grow if you're not careful.


Well-Known Member
first feeding i would go half of whats recommended. miracle grow is some pretty strong ferts and you see alot of people burn w/ it


Active Member
Would that be half the recommended indoor, or outdoor mix? I know my plants are indoor plants, lol, but they arent kept under the same conditions as most house plants. ya know?


Well-Known Member
Half of the indoor mix if you are indoor. Half the outdoor if you are outdoor. You can easily add more but once your burn them it takes awhile to recover.


Active Member
you can use it all the way thru til about a week before you harvest at which point you'll want to use pure water to flush your plants. and stop watering 2 to 3 days before you harvest. it will help with drying. you can switch to a bloom booster fert during flowering but is not completely necessary and if this is your 1st grow id just stick with 1 type of fert.