east coast sun


Active Member
hey i have 2 seeds i wanna start now but still have a flowering plant with a good week or two left but id like to start these seeds now i live on the east coast and was wondering if i left them in sunlight for the first 2 weeks or so is there enough daylight currently? and when i put these into my room will they go through schock or anything
thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
Assuming you are talking about the east coast of America, then you are getting about 14 hours a day of sun. Your plants should veg ok for a few weeks untill you get them inside.


Active Member
yea i forgot that part lol east coast of america and thanks for the help, you think after getting natural sunlight and then putting in grow room wont stunt growth or anything should it ?


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine, make sure they're a south facing as to get the most sun they can, your biggest concern is going to be bringing in any guests ie. bugs with you when you go from outside to in.

FYI I'm doing the same thing now.