Easy, Moderate, and Hard to grow strains

sir rance alot

Active Member
Different seedbanks have different degrees of difficulty for the same strain.

What is the difference in difficulty? Comparing something like a silver haze to a skunk, there is a huge difference on the websites but Im curious how different.

What makes an easy grower different from a hard to grow strain and why?

If anyone has the time, please try to be specific if possible.

Peace, Rance


Well-Known Member
Some plants like different feeding levelsand some strains are more prone to having problems, there some of the differences between easy and hard strains! I cant be to specific as i've only had a few smalls grow with very little problems thank god!


Well-Known Member
Usually has to do with how plants respond to their conditions.

Harder to grow strains would be more affected by temperatures, humidity, feeding, watering etc. So basically its easier to cause harm to those kinds of plants if they're not given ideal conditions.