Easy Ryder 250w CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Week 8 Update:

A week late as i never got round to posting last week, the photo's were taken on week 8 (day 56) though.

Not much to say tbh, they are stinking a lot, mary seems to still be less developed than the other two, and Dubie seems to have the most developed buds.

Not as happy as i wish i was with their progress tbh. I'll try and post week 9 photo's later tonight.


Active Member
Thanks for the updates. I'm about 20 days behind you with my ER and it's helpful to see what may be coming down the road.


Well-Known Member
Haven't been too well so sorry about the late updates:

Week 9 Photo's attached. Not much to say really. Will try and post week 10 photos tonight.


Well-Known Member
Hello! Another late update..

Week 10 Day 70 and after:

Basically, mary and jane don't seem, to be developing much, hardnly any amber trichs or brown hairs.

We harvested Dubie, she had 80%+ brown hairs, but still not many amber trichs, but we thought it would be best to harvest as she was the furthest along.

Pics are from Day 70 and Dubie hanging up to dry.

Really not sure what to do about Mary and Jane, they look really bad, pretty much no leaves left alive. Might give it a day or 2 and harvest, even though they definitely don't look matured.

Trimming Dubie was fun but took me 3 hours! got some sticky fingers.

She's been hanging in my cupboard for nearly 2 days now with a small fan, but she felt like she was drying out to quickly so i added some pans of water and shiz, and some ice to cool the temps. Also brought a thermometer / humidity thing, currently it's 74.3F and 56% humidity, as i have just put my washing to dry in my room and it made it shoot up for 43%.

I'm quite worried she will/has dried to quickly and will be a poor smoke.

This grow has been a great experience and i've definitely learnt a lot.
I must say for all the money and effort that was put in, i am very disappointed with the results so far and i doubt they will change. Nevertheless it was definitely worth it just for the growing :)

Hopefully next time things will go better will all the extra knowledge and things i've learnt.

I'll update when we decided what were doing with the 2 plants left.


Bro i salute u for posting that fuck up 2 all of us. Can u believe ppl were saying they looked great LOL. I have 2 apologise 2 u for comming so late and not when u needed me da most. 1st never use bottled water because of the mineral content (USUALLY it says "Minerals" urs said chlorine!!!! sodium!!!!! etc AKA poison i cant believe u read that label and still poured dat on ur plants shocking) how u kept those plants alive i dont no, that alone is a testament dat u CAN do it very well provided u learn ur basic's. Now what happened 2 ur plants was 2 main factors 1st SALT ( from all dat ph + N - very tricky stuff i dont even do it because its not easy. and lets not 4get the water both tap and bottled ) 2nd PPM again from ur main issue the water ur soil must have been so full of shit from the water the plants couldn't reach wat they needed ( They kept getting sodium,chlorine and ur neighbours dog shit lol.) Thats y the plants were pale green( NO NITROGEN = NO CHLOROPHYLL = NO PHOTO -SIN AKA NO GROWTH AKA DEATH.) U COULD HAVE POURED 10L of grow ferts in there and still the plants WOULDN'T find it. NO ur basics u could have made it if u did. Wish u luck 4 nxt time. ALL U NEED IS A WATER FILTER AND NEWBIES ALWAYS USE ORGANICS


Well-Known Member
It was too hot, temps were 90+F due to the hot weather.

We didn't use that bottled water in the end, well only once for one watering then we used tap water that had been left to sit 24 hours.

They had a few problems, nutrients being locked out was one of them i know, but the reason they look so fucked now is we had to stop nutes early as we are moving house on the 30th and there wouldn't have been time to properly flush if not.


Bro tap water has a ph of around 7.6 + when u leave it out 4 around 24hrs yes the chlorine content does go down but the levels are still 2 high. Believe it or not that bottled water was 5x better than the tap water. Buy a cheap water filter bro or distil ur own using a kettle and heat resistant tubes


Well-Known Member
We pH balanced the water to between 6.5 and 6.8 every time.. Everywhere i have read says pH balanced tap water is fine..


Well-Known Member
Looking at Mary and Jane yesterday, it would appear a few more hairs are turning orange. Because of this we have decided that they must still be growing, so were gonna wait till the last possible time to harvest them, which will be Thursday morning right before we move (we will have to hide the trimmed buds in some mason jars, so i really hope the wet buds being in airtight jars for about half a day wont cause any harm). Hopefully by then a lot more hairs will be orange and the buds will me much riper for harvest.

Dubie was dried for 4 days, possibly too quickly, but she is now in a curing jar, no mist ever seems to apear whens it's left though, but the buds still have moisture it would appear. She doesn't seem to be very crystally at all.

Had a few spliff with my mate here and there, at first i thought the smoke was ok, not the great though, but i just had a spliff a second ago, after 2 days of curing i think, and man i am fucking high! Very nice high as well, lovely taste, beautiful smell.

Hopefully it should get even better as they cure.

Yeild was okish, Dubie weighed 11g 4 days after drying (so possibly not 100% dry weight), i'm really hoping the yeild will be good from Mary and Jane, and that they will be as good a smoke, seeing as they are so far behind.. but we shall see.

I'll post dry weights of the other two after they have dried. I would of posted photo's but lost the memory card for my phone.


Well-Known Member
I think you did alright for your first grow using a CFL tbh.. we all make errors it's what makes us learn, hell I made a few on my first grow too..

& yeah the bud will taste better after curing mine got better & better months after I had started curing it (the real smell & flavour comes through after a good cure) ..

Any more grows in the pipe-line?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man :)

Yea i don't think we did too bad, i might be being too hopeful, but i reckon the other two should still be a good smoke, and if so then probably about 30g of good bud, can't complain with that!

Definitely gonna grow again, as soon as we get sorted in the new house. Gonna grow the same strain, unfortunately only under cfl's still, but were gonna try bigger pots, get some better extraction and filter, and we will have all the knowledge we've gained from this grow. Should be good times :)


Well-Known Member
We got them both from a local grow shop. The seeds are from Joint Doctor £30 for 3 feminized i think. Type in Plug and Grow cfl in google and there are a load of places to get the light from, cheapest is about £40 (for 250w)


We pH balanced the water to between 6.5 and 6.8 every time.. Everywhere i have read says pH balanced tap water is fine..
PH balanced tap water is not fine. The water which is , is RO water stage 3 (minimum) but u should use atleast stage 5. Im justing telling u as a helping hand bro. Y dont u buy a BRITA filter for £10 ph test dat and tell me wat the readings r. If u dont believe me mybe ull believe Big Mike from AN. Look in youtube for the profile of "UrbanGrower" (On location lol) and listen to Big Mikes grow tips then read the PDF. Tell me wat u think after dat.


Thanks man :)

Yea i don't think we did too bad, i might be being too hopeful, but i reckon the other two should still be a good smoke, and if so then probably about 30g of good bud, can't complain with that!

Definitely gonna grow again, as soon as we get sorted in the new house. Gonna grow the same strain, unfortunately only under cfl's still, but were gonna try bigger pots, get some better extraction and filter, and we will have all the knowledge we've gained from this grow. Should be good times :)
Hopefully ull get 100g dry from 3 seeds on ur nxt grow bro. Ive grown some horrible weed in the past i grew northern light around 3 years ago and it tasted like dog shit for about a month but 3 months later its was so nice it was unreal. i still have like 7g of it in the bottom of my fridge mite spark it up this weekend (cured for 3 months and the chilled for 3 years) fuck im gonna hit it now


Amazing how come u cant get shit like dat on the streets?? I wonder if drug dealers cure their shit? coz ive done it all and 100% of the time if i dont dry and cure i always get mold ALWAYS. Mybe they bake it in the oven?? any1 no?