Easy Ryder 250w CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
The weed i always get from my dealer is either damp (probably straight off the plant) or good stuff, but it's a tenner a gram, and that varies, (it's also a tenner for the damp stuff which i completely inconsistant) once got 1.4 grams for £20. I worked out, we have at least £110 worth of weed so far from one plant of better quality than we would get off a dealer round these parts.

About the water thing.. I'm not saying your wrong, but i have read many times that pH'd tap water is fine.. could anyone else elaborate on this?


Well-Known Member
The weed i always get from my dealer is either damp (probably straight off the plant) or good stuff, but it's a tenner a gram, and that varies, (it's also a tenner for the damp stuff which i completely inconsistant) once got 1.4 grams for £20. I worked out, we have at least £110 worth of weed so far from one plant of better quality than we would get off a dealer round these parts.

About the water thing.. I'm not saying your wrong, but i have read many times that pH'd tap water is fine.. could anyone else elaborate on this?
Ph'd tap water is fine.. I have always used it straight from the tap, used ph up or down to adjust accordingly to the medium I am growing in.. Most water in th UK is hard which means it has quite a high mineral content so you may need to get a EC meter to work out how much minerals your water contains then add nutes adjusted to what your EC is.. Hope I have complicated things for you!


Well-Known Member
Quick update:

Mary and Jane were harvested and hung to dry thursday morning at 5am. They had definitely progressed so i'm glad we left them. They probably weren't fully ready, but it had to be done.

Unfortunately they had to be taken down from drying after 3 and a half days as, even though the humidity was 70% they were starting to crisp up. They are now in a curing jar and were left in there overnight, i checked them this morning but there was no mist on the inside of the jar, which is worrying, so i didn't open it.

Would post some pictures but as we don't have the net in our new house yet i'm having to use my laptop at someone elses and don't have the pics with me.

I'll update with the final weight after the buds have been fully dried.


No comment about the water ( I said my piece) What u gonna grow nxt bro? ill strike u a deal ill grow 60 day wonder and update u and u grow Big buddha automatic wat u think? Do a little guinea pig run for every 1 coz no 1 has done them u down?


Well-Known Member
Were gonna grow 3 easy ryders again, wanna perfect our technique for this strain first lol

Sorry i haven't dont the final update, haven't had the net for weeks.

Final yield was 40g give or take.

Just under a month later and it's all gone :(

Just picked up a ten bag off my dealer.. less than a gram of shitty damp weed which tastes horrible. Very bad times. I'm gonna try and go on a brake untill next harvest!

I've included a few pics of various times in the drying / curing process, and a nice blunt i made.. got sooo high off that.


nice man well dun what was the smoke tasting like and how high did u guys get. not being rude mayby its just the pics but it dosent look like theres much thc on them budzzz


Well-Known Member
My camera definitely doesn't do the trich's any justice, but there wasn't an overly large amount. They dried way too quickly unfortunately which affected the taste and some of the buds were slightly harsh. However, overall, the taste was nice the high was quite strong but slightly short lived, probably due to early harvest. The bud was much nicer than the usual shit we get from our dealer, we worked out the 40g of bud we had, would of at the very minimum cost £400 off our dealer, but considering his 10 quid grams are usually damp, probably more like 600+, and considering we spent about £200 overall, not bad if you ask me!

Not bad for a first time, we were both pleased with the results and the smoke was definitely in the higher end of relative u.k spectrum. If we were talking amsterdam, it would be more like your standard cheap stuff, but definitely pleased over all :)
The weed i always get from my dealer is either damp (probably straight off the plant) or good stuff, but it's a tenner a gram, and that varies, (it's also a tenner for the damp stuff which i completely inconsistant) once got 1.4 grams for £20. I worked out, we have at least £110 worth of weed so far from one plant of better quality than we would get off a dealer round these parts.

About the water thing.. I'm not saying your wrong, but i have read many times that pH'd tap water is fine.. could anyone else elaborate on this?
mate you aregetting ripped off... I get 2.4g for 20pounds of completey dry stuff. I feel a bit ripped off as well but your case is worst.


Well-Known Member
mate you aregetting ripped off... I get 2.4g for 20pounds of completey dry stuff. I feel a bit ripped off as well but your case is worst.
Lol tell me about it mate, it sucks balls.

I do have a guy in Canada who posts it for me, but having to wait 4 days is quite inconvenient! I'm gonna try and have a long brake now, hopefully untill the next harvest. I need a brake anyway and i'm getting so sick of being ripped off.
Hey man. Next time you grow just use organic fertilizers. Start with some good soil. If the plants start to yellow in that just make some compost tea. Just get a good bag of compost and mix it in water. You might be able to get better results if you aerate the tea, but for fertilizer purposes just dissolving a some compost in water will work. All those problems you had was from overdoing it with those fertilizers. I've had the same problem before. It is nearly impossible to burn with good compost, which will be good for you.


Well-Known Member
I was googling for some information on auto flowering strains and came across some of your earlier threads. Organic nutrients like biobizz needs to have a healthy root zone ecosystem in place to break organic compounds down and make the material available to the plant. Although some organic nutrients may contain some chelated ingredients which are extremely available to the roots through diffusion, you have to support that root zone. Tap water has chlorine in it and in the USA, I know we sometimes have chloramines to deal with as well. Chlorine can be evaporated out just by letting the water sit for 24-48 hours, but chloramines stay. Both kill off friendly microbial life in your root zone.

If you use organic nutes, invest in RO water via a filter, 10 gallon jug, etc.. Also, occasional applications of a mycorrhizae/ bacteria inoculation and compost tea will help to maintain life in your soil and will greatly improve your plants ability to fight off bugs and pests because the pathogens that cause decline are just plain out competed by beneficial bacteria. Myco also greatly increases the roots active uptake area by a large factor. Just some food for thought.

Also with a healthy soil ecosystem, the process of nutrient cycling occurs. This is where the different microbes may eat particulate matter or other organisms. The chemicals put into the root zone are excretions in the form of nutrients needed by the plant. This means less nutrients are needed to maintain a healthy plant. One key to organics is to remember that good bacteria are almost all aerobic (air breathing). Good oxygen in the root zone further helps prevent anaerobic organisms (pathogens) from multiplying.