Easy Ryder & DNA Sourcream


Active Member
Day: 21 Easy Ryder, Day 3 Sourcream
Lighting: 150 HPS/CFL Veg
Light Cycle: 18/6, Then 12/12
Soil: FF Ocean Forest/Perlite 75/25
Nutes: FF Trio
Pot size: 3 gal
Grow room: Old fridge
Ventilation: 6" Duct fan, 3 4" passive intake
Odor Control: Ozium, Ona Block and Ozone JR.

Hey peeps first journal here. I grew 1 easy ryder last year witch ended up being a 3' bud monster yeilding 3oz dry. She got a 20/4 light Sch. then 18/6 during flower. This go round I suspect less as I will have to take her to 12/12 after sourcream is done veggin. The reason I am doing these at the same time is I live in the deep south and fridge is in garage, Temps will be a issue for sourcream lowryder should be ok, Im running 74-80 right now. One thing I learned my first Easy ryder is the smell! 1 plant had my whole house smelling bad, you could smell that bitch from the street! but the only vent I had at time was my bathroom fan to exhaust it. This go round I have better vent out the grow room, but not outside the house so odor control will be interesting. I love Ozium spray for smoking its the shit if someone stops by, but for growing no way! Im going to put Ozium, Ona Block and Ozone JR to the test and update during the grow. I have not tested the Ona Block, but I opended it up and my first reaction was no way this will work! Ona Block will be outside of grow room and Ozone JR will be placed right outside fridge its good for 1000 cubic feet, my garage is 4500 cubic feet, Ozium will be for unexpected visits.

Wish me luck and all post welcome good or bad. This is a learning exp for me


Active Member
Let's see if you follow through with this journal, many start but don't finish lol; I also have some sour cream on the way... subbed!


Active Member
Let's see if you follow through with this journal, many start but don't finish lol; I also have some sour cream on the way... subbed!
I will finish upto the smoke report, If I stop then im in jail, But I dont see that happening cuz of the Dont smell, sell or tell rule. So I figure next best thing is grow journal.

Day 23

She finaly pulled her panties down deff female. Other than that not to much in 2 days, new set of leaves lots of pre flowers and about 7.5" tall. Sour Cream is comming along slow, but from what I read they streach real bad in flower. So the smaller the better I guess, will deff be topping when the time comes.

The Ozn-JR arrived today I think it will work great for odor. I dont have any smell issues yet, But I let it run for 4 hours and it deff killed or covered any smells.. Problem is it has its own smell. Some say its the same smell after a first rain or thunderstorm... Bullshit smells like that and a chemicaly smell burns my nose when I breath in But if it kills the smell later that works for me.



Active Member
Day 30 plant pics and smell update:

The smell is out of control, My last one was the same. Starts off as chocolate smell then turns into a bad burnt smell like electrical part got fried with a hint of weed. That burnt smell sticks to the walls. I had no smell control upto this point. I opened a tub of Ona Block and just cracked the lid and it didnt do a damn thing. I took the damn lid off and even moved it by the door that goes into the house and the smell still came in. Im not wanting to fire up the Ozone JR yet so hung the Ona in my grow fridge right at the exhuast. The room smell nice, But When I open the door to go into the garge I get a big wife of weed. Like The smell hangs out in the cornors but rest of room smells strong like Ona. I have since caped it and drilled holes in it. It is still in the grow room at exhaust fan. Im going to fire up Ozone JR tonight and put it by the door going in the house and see if I can stop it from creeping in.
Plant is doing fine she is 13" tall now flowering nicely. Sour cream got transplanted and is 12 days old now


Active Member
Day 50 Easyryder and Day 39 DNA Sourcream.

Easyryder is comming along nice starting to fatten up 19.5 inches tall, but not near done. ETA 4/11. Sourcream is 39 days old and is a tall lanky bitch 17.5". Went 3 weeks then I fimed it another week of veg and they are bolth on a 12/12 sch now. Smell has not been a issue just that damn easyryder right before she flowers is insane, but once she gets into flowers its mellows out abit. I think Ill give her once more round of nutes then start the flushing. Ill prob post one more update before I chop it, not seeming to get much intrest. Ill keep updating the sourcream through out grow as there is not a whole lot of info on it.



Active Member
Looking good bro!! I tried ti germinate 1 sour cream, it sort of germinated, but I got impatient when it didn't move for a few days, and ended up removing it... I have to try again, but i'm a lttle crowded right know.... that easy ryder looks beautiful!!


Active Member
Hi, All is good Thanks! I just got really busy and high. I am out now so I am back. I chopped that easyryder mid April, It was abit smaller and not as good of smoke as my first easyryder, I netted just over 2 oz dry. The SourCream was fucking fantastic! She was no hit wonder, but the smoke is one of my favorites and I cant say enough about it. The smell of the buds is fantastic Sweet lemons, but the taste is more sour and earthy, Witch was a bummer. She grew very tall about 5'5" The buds were so heavy the plant would not stand up on its own dry weight was 4.5 oz. Not bad for a 150w HPS lol.

As far as my smell control... Dont waste money on Ona or Oz JR... Shit just dont cover the smell, I have a pretty big house and my grow fridge was in garage. My whole house smelled like dank weed!

Going to be growing some kush ryder soon.