Easy Ryder Odor?


Does anyone have any experience with Easy Ryder odor? I'm planning to grow three in stealth DWC, and I'm wondering what I need to incorporate into the grow cabinet.

It'll be my first grow, so I don't have any experience with odor to go on. My initial plan was to use one of those one-pass Organic Air Charcoal Fiber Filters, but is that enough? I can't use anything like Ona due to allergies, but I will try ozone cycled very infrequently if it might help.

But then again, I don't know how odorous Easy Ryder is, so maybe I don't even need to worry.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Its pretty stinky and will definitely require a filter. I grew one my last grow and it was the most pungent of the three strains.
I just checked out your cabinet, very nice. Did the filter cover up all the smell, or did some drift out?

Also, do you know of any dwarf auto-flowering varieties that are particularly low odor?

I'm trying to make this as stealth as possible, and the problem is that pretty much everyone I know--including both parents and in-laws--has smoked at one time. No one is going to think the smell is just "herbal."


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Yes, with the door closed it was odorless. The filter was good at what it did. Since I don't have any reference to the power of it, I'm not sure if you could get away with a lighter duty filter.

The afghan kush ryder I was also growing was essentially odorless. The yield was pretty poor but the smoke ended up very potent. Hopefully someone more experienced with autos can chime in and help lead you on the right track. I'm just not a big auto fan and don't plan on growing them again.