I've seen other tutorials that use activated carbon bought from pet stores to make it instead of an actual filter replacement. Just wondering if this is an improvement over that or what?
I've seen other tutorials that use activated carbon bought from pet stores to make it instead of an actual filter replacement. Just wondering if this is an improvement over that or what?
That's a pretty friggin sweet scrubber buddy. I will def be puttin one of those togetha, as opposed to spendy a few unnecassary hundo. Good lookin out. We can all appreciate that.
Nice application but, how would I do this using my bathroom exhaust fan as the main source for odor extraction. I don't have a huge grow room, I just used the corner in my bathroom as the grow spot and it is getting a little smelly. I was thinking about getting some of those odor eliminator gel thingys. U just put it in your living room and the gel slowly dissolves. There not that strong but with maybe 2 of them it may work but this looks cool I wanna build this. Tired of just sitting around waiting for my bitch to get big.
I built a large version of this with equiptment from local stores for about $40 (including a built in fan). It works impressively well so far. I used a larger sheet meta duct vent peice to fasten the activated charcoal and tube chamber directly to the fan. I drilled holes in the sides of the vent peice then tied it on to the fan with zip-ties, then went over it with duct tape to seal gaps and create a tight duct.
so i have been looking at inline fans, and it seems like the cheapest one would be >100 dollars. i have seen filters that are filled with vapor phase activated carbon and have an inline fan (the one i found says 350 cfm). heres a link