Easy to Build DIY Carbon Filter

really making one of these is no cheaper than buying a factory made filter that you know will work. there are inline fan filter combos for $120 everyone is saying they are saving $100s of dollars on a filter when you can buy proven decent filters for around $50. If you got a home depot nearby and readily available components then you'll probably save a few dollars on building a larger filter from scratch but from what i've seen these dont really save that much dough and could quite possibly be a hassle in the long run. If you're a DIY kind of person then go for it and let us know how it works and what kind of mods you've made because clearly people have built this model and complain of them not working.

if i get the time and cashflow i will make one myself and post definitive results compared to a factory model not this "ye its working/it's not working crap
I wonder if you really need the endcap -- like, if you're using 4" computer fans to vent a grow cab, why not cut a piece of filter that allows you to tape it to the fan (mounted to the rear/outlet wall of your cab by drywall screws, of course), seal the edges, and just put tape over the end? If it doesn't have to be supported or serve any other structural purpose, why the hell not? -- I'll give this a rip. Gettin' skunky in my apartment, and the Ona stuff doesn't seem to kill it.
I wonder if you really need the endcap -- like, if you're using 4" computer fans to vent a grow cab, why not cut a piece of filter that allows you to tape it to the fan (mounted to the rear/outlet wall of your cab by drywall screws, of course), seal the edges, and just put tape over the end? If it doesn't have to be supported or serve any other structural purpose, why the hell not? -- I'll give this a rip. Gettin' skunky in my apartment, and the Ona stuff doesn't seem to kill it.

I was thinking of something similar. Did this work?
The activated carbon is in the foam/mesh and in order for it to work you need to pass the air through it. That's why you make a cylinder out of it and duct the air into the center, so it gets pushed out through the filter.

It's the same principle as aquarium filters, except there you're pushing water through to remove toxins instead of air to remove smell.
I made this, and it doesn't work. The air is flowing through the filter with no problems. It does nothing to keep the smell down, my whole house reeks. I've been relying on nag champa and ozium applied several times a day. I only have 2 weeks to go with this grow, very soon I'm going to buy a filter that is actually worth something.
I made this, and it doesn't work. The air is flowing through the filter with no problems. It does nothing to keep the smell down, my whole house reeks. I've been relying on nag champa and ozium applied several times a day. I only have 2 weeks to go with this grow, very soon I'm going to buy a filter that is actually worth something.
YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) based on the filter you use. Not all filters are equal. Some may have more activated carbon than others, and even if they have the same amount the quality could vary. It's a simple concept and, if you have air flowing through the filter, it's working correctly.

I added some extra carbon when I built mine since I used to have fish and had a jug left over. If my DIY version doesn't do the job then I'll be buying one retail as well.
Does anyone know of a guide which shows how to make one using activated carbon as shown here;
All those store bought filters are is carbon suspended inside a foam sleeve. If you want to make your own filters put some carbon in some foam. Just make sure it's not too dense for air to flow through it, but still have enough to remove odors. I don't see this being something that can easily be shown in a guide.
Yeah i mean there are probably hundreds of carbon filter configurations - but as long as your air runs through the carbon then they will all work the same.

What i'm thinking of having is a 3 foot long tube attached to the intake duct, and every foot, have a thin (maybe one inch thick) layer of carbon pellets held in place with wire mesh.

Are smaller pellets better? Should i crush them up a bit to make them smaller or will that reduce its effectiveness?
I made this, and it doesn't work. The air is flowing through the filter with no problems. It does nothing to keep the smell down, my whole house reeks. I've been relying on nag champa and ozium applied several times a day. I only have 2 weeks to go with this grow, very soon I'm going to buy a filter that is actually worth something.

Try installing it correctly....As long as you have enough cfm from your intake & exhaust & you aren't completely suffocating the fan with the filter, it will work. You need to learn how to make air flow through the activated carbon rather than just covering the fan. Beginner forums can help! Good luck!
would this be usable if i were to take off the square end and fashion a holder for a nice size computer fan and just put it in a pc grow box along with the the setup (there is space to do so) i mean the duct isn't necessary is it?
Thanks for the idea! Just made one tonight, though I used 1/4" wire mesh instead of screen. Seems like it should hold shape better and improve airflow. It's a 6" hooked up to a vornado fan. Pics in the journal if you want to check it out. After about an hour, I can totally tell the difference.