Hire 120 asmatics,blow ragweed pollen in their face,and let them wheeze over the weed..may taste like tuna breath,but youll have quality weed!...this is rediculous..fire up the ionizer at the front door,hang in ur closet with a charcoal filter and a can fan (will move the air) and possibly a small dehumidifier,and wait 6 days..crispy and marketable herb will be says yoda..thats how i did 7lbs of sharksbreath..i did have 1/4 inch vinyl bathtub/shower liner sealing the closet..got noided out from the stench..but never did smell it unless i opened the door,plus u just spent at least a grand on electricty,why spend more on the same thing to dry? Just a "thought"..thats one of those things that didnt happen when the dryer came about...