easy way to provide a good airy enviroment and to bring new air in to a closet grow


Well-Known Member
hi there peeps i jus want to share with you a little technique i came across during my grow (take a look at my other threads)

while most growers on other forums (not rollitup there awesome) are talking about ruck fans .. carbon filters..this ..that.. it can get all alittle confusing to 1st time growers so this is thread is a cheaper (im talking under £10 / $20) to cooling , circulating,removing warm air from your grow . it is proven that air circulation really does help ur plants grow nice and healthy .

first .. what you will need ;

1.. small (3 - 6 inch) pc case fan £3.99 / $5
2.. old ac adapter (or any old charger with atleast a 13v output) £0 - 5 / $0 - 6

first strip the 2 wires back so the copper wire is exposed and twist this so it is quite stiff (makes better conection and presentation)
strip back the red and black wires on the pc fan (if it has yellow wire dont worry this is only used for the pc to determine speed ect so jus chop it off or leave it)
then twist one pc wire to the ac wire and the other pc wire to the other ac wire .. then your done simply plug it in and watch it work . if the fan spins the wrong way then you need to connect the wires the oppisit way so it will spin the other way .. i know there is other threads the same as this but most of them say use and old charger of 9v .. this wil work but by using atleast a 13v output the fan is fukin quik you can actually feel the fan pulling your hand into the fan so imagine the amount of air that will circulate or remove or suck fresh air into your grow . also dont over budget on the size of the fan because using atleast 13v will move enuf air around as a 12inch fan due to the speed it is spinnin at . i found also after many experiments that the small pc fans say 4inch ones are by far quieter than the big 1z and by using this technique it will work so much better than a big fan ..
there are many ways to use this technique .. you can either cut a square hole into the side back or top of your grow and have the fan bring cold air in or if you face the fan the oppasit direction it will suck warm used air out .. also you can have it hanging in your grow room so it will circulate the air arounfd .. or you can use it the way i use it and this is by sitting it next to ur plants so that the fan is blowing on the stems and leaves . my leaves are having a constant brezze of air on them which is strenghing them and making them healthyer . the leaves should be rippeling a little but not to much as this could snap your stems or leaves .
i have cut 4 square holes in the top of my closet and have installed four little 3 inch fans using this way and there really sucking the air out (placed paper like 2 foot under them and it sucked it into the fan)
also i have cut 3 holes on each side of the closet and put 3 fans on each side bringing cool fresh air into the grow and due to there size they are rewally quiet . bout the same noise level as music playing frew headfones (my brother stood outside my door and fort the fans were on when the wernt and when i put them on he said no def not on which proves no1 will here them outside ur room ect
also i have a little (i do mean little) shelf where i sit another little fan and it points at the stems of the plants as i mentiond b4

so now i have explaind it i really do want you to comment as i love checking bak in a few minutes or hours and seeing comments (sad i know lol)

good luck with all your grows and lets hope canabis is going to become legal lol

plz comment on this thread
hey bro thx for the useful information! would luv to see some pictures!:) and how big is ur grow closet/cabnet?

Cheers :)
im gna make a post about it later dude lol how comes u aint been on in a wile man lol bin 2 stoned ??
i come on here in spurts... i'll be on here for like 2 weeks straights or just for a week, then i hide out
yh there gettin big n bushy but the leaves look a little dry there not shiney anymore .. water problem i think ?? help lol
Um the AC to DC converter, if it's listed as higher voltage than the items you're using it for, it's gonna fry the fan.
If it's under it's going to harm the converter.
thanks for the idea. what i am about to do now, is take my old computer, and just hook up a few little fans in my closet. i might just use the computers own powersource. thanks