easyryder wont grow


i have a question and i hope someone can help me out i planted a easyryder autoflower seed from attitude and it germated very well grew about a half inch on the 2nd day and hasnt grown since, its only day 5 but it just seems odd that it only grew that one day, it looks healthy still has the seed on the leaves but no upward growth, its planted in a aerogarden with no nutes should i give her some nutes to give her a boost or just wait it out, thanks for any help,,,,bongsmilie


Active Member
i have a question and i hope someone can help me out i planted a easyryder autoflower seed from attitude and it germated very well grew about a half inch on the 2nd day and hasnt grown since, its only day 5 but it just seems odd that it only grew that one day, it looks healthy still has the seed on the leaves but no upward growth, its planted in a aerogarden with no nutes should i give her some nutes to give her a boost or just wait it out, thanks for any help,,,,bongsmilie
pics please? ... no nutes yet i'd say wait another week or so on those. let it get stable. thats how i fucked up my last grow. what i did cuz the same thing happened to me was gently take the shell off. once i did that it grew like a son of a bitch! but like i said i put nutes in shortly after and it died
i gave you a little look at what the nutes did and if this is what you mean by the seed is still attached



pics please? ... no nutes yet i'd say wait another week or so on those. let it get stable. thats how i fucked up my last grow. what i did cuz the same thing happened to me was gently take the shell off. once i did that it grew like a son of a bitch! but like i said i put nutes in shortly after and it died
i gave you a little look at what the nutes did and if this is what you mean by the seed is still attached
ok nevermind i ended up breaking her in half messing with it, so i planted a new one hope this turns out better , got any tips for germinating in the ag