eating 25,000mg THC

There's nothing wrong with getting as stoned as you possibly can. Why give him crap for it if it's what he likes to do.
The only thing I saw as a risk, eating all that weed and passing out. That would be a lot of wasted weed but it looks like he didn't pass out.
He is definatly the oldest guy I've seen attempt a challenge like this, it would be cool if he tried with medical packaged edibles so there was no arguing about the dose size.
Bunch of party poopers...
There's nothing wrong with getting as stoned as you possibly can. Why give him crap for it if it's what he likes to do.
The only thing I saw as a risk, eating all that weed and passing out. That would be a lot of wasted weed but it looks like he didn't pass out.
He is definatly the oldest guy I've seen attempt a challenge like this, it would be cool if he tried with medical packaged edibles so there was no arguing about the dose size.
Bunch of party poopers...
and had real coverage so it's not just a stunt.
trying to show no lethal does is a great idea but it needs to documented and verified so we don't have exactly what's going on here. people don't believe it. if you did it so no one could belly ache, that would be incredible
So the experiment WAS a success! We know definitively that THC doesnt cure stupid. Congrats heres a cookie and a gold star
Was this an experiment or someone getting higher than normal?
Lol you guys are nuts, 25000 mg might be enough for an ant to overdose, but he would drown in the puddle of chocolate milk or whatever it is before it got high