eating when high!


Well-Known Member
its cool right!? i ment - eatig when high!

i hadnt this huge appetite when im high before.. now - its HUGE! i cant stop eating!! but im ending out of supplies :o


Well-Known Member
Don't eat too much you get man boobies, I lift weights to prevent that. Just watch your portions, you don't want to gain weight. And If you do eat a lot, balance it with exercise.


Well-Known Member
im weight lifting and im trying to raise wight! now im ~81-82 kg's, i want to have atleast ~90kg's


Well-Known Member
Well If that's the case, eat your ass off. The weed will help you gain weight fast. It sounds like your trying to get a muscular build, just focus on eating more protein.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, you got me. i kind a reached my limit..

does everyone eats theyre asses off when high? i didnt before lol


Well-Known Member
Munchies are terrible!! But everything tastes so fucking good when your high. Even drinks, juice, soda, everythings better, lol.


Well-Known Member
hahha right! you can mix food unusually too.. like eating bacon with jogurt lol!


Well-Known Member
I dont know about bacon and yogurt, but stuff that does not taste that good when your sober tastes good as fuck when your high, like normaly i like reheat pizza in the oven the next day but when i am high i just microwave it and its all soggy but its still good as fuck, lol damn weed!


Well-Known Member
i had super munchies tonight, i had a campfire/cookout with the guys, an 1/8 of juicy fruit and a 30 pack of coors.

i ate:
-4 full hotdogs w/ buns
-3 mini hotdogs with condiments
-3 rolls of bread
-2 caramelized cantaloupe slices via open flame
-10 shrimp dumplings/ pot-stickers
-1 grilled carrot
-4 smores'

all within 3 hours, not to mention i weigh 124 lbs


Well-Known Member
I like to save my food for the next hour or two after I'm high, when I'm actually hungry, and the weed isn't fooling me. I've got a whole to-go box of mixed-meat (including shrimp) fried rice that I'm gonna dig into tonight. it's gonna rock so hard.


Well-Known Member
Im still reading your sentence and I have no idea what u said lmao !! R u a foreigner ??? Are u a fat person who cant stop eating and now its worse cause u smoke dope and are running out of twinkies and captain crunch ??? Can u tell me how stoned you would have to be to write this topic LMAO !


Well-Known Member
the trick is to smoke before you normally eat so then everything is really good...otherwise you'd eat 24/7


Well-Known Member
hahaha yeah, english isnt my first language. and im not fat for gods sakes. im trying to gain weight so its good for me. but yesterday i hadnt many food at home .. when i wrote this topic i was high as fuck eating everything that i found lol


Well-Known Member
Ya I like postin when Im high. Shit ive been high almost constantly for 30 years now. lmao guess that shows that mj must not be 2 bad eh ???