Ebb and Flow DIY,first time hydro


Well-Known Member
been growing in soil for 2 years now perpetual,now im building a new growroom and i wanted to make it hydro,since i live in a shity country theres not that much stuff to buy so i have to make it myself,so il post pics for all of u who want to make something like this to save money or u dont have in a store il explain anything that u wana know about the construction

iv been having trouble along the way so if any of u have any advice that can help me out that would be very appreciated

these are pictures of the veg. room it has 2 tabels 1mx2m 18 cm deep with a 1500l/h pump,one is covered by a single 400w mh ref. and the other 2x 400w mh,the first one is intended for mothers and the second for the veg. stage,later il post pics of the flowering room it has 2 tables 2.4m x1.2m 18 deep with 2 600w hps each



Well-Known Member
i started with hydroton washed it 10 times and it still managed to fuck up my ec and burn the plants so i switched to perlite but since its so tiny i had to wrap a ladys sock so it wouldnt pass through the wholes at the bottom,then the perlite started raising the ph daily i get it to 5.2-5.3 and it gets back to 6.2-6.5 for 3,4 days in a row

Im using a RO filter
what i didnt know till a day ago is that when your using a ro filter the water gets too susceptible to ph swings,so little acid affects it soo much and its hard to get it balanced so now i mixed my ro water with the tap water /witch is at 0.5ec/and now it seeems to be more stable
this is the thread that gave me light on water,for anyone whos having trouble with their ph or something else http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=23357



Well-Known Member
What thickness plastic are you using on your table?
How did you put plastic around the fill and drain fittings so that water wouldn't get underneath it?
Nice looking setup bro


Well-Known Member
i posted this problem that im having a couple times in the last few days but nobody responded,its like rusty stains on the lower leaves mostly and one clone has it on the top leaves also,they are about 6-8 days old clones from a white russian plant,ec 0.3,temp 22-24c,hum.40-50%, 400w mh,
nutrient:GH floranova grow,subculture,supervit hessi

when i get this under controle every bach i want to do different to see witch method will yeild best
first 60 pots on a single table 2.5l each
then 30 pots 5 liters each lst and suppercrop
then 20 bigger pots
then 200 clones straight to flower after i keep em in a cloner for a week to develope some roots,thats a week after they show roots



Well-Known Member
What thickness plastic are you using on your table?
How did you put plastic around the fill and drain fittings so that water wouldn't get underneath it?
Nice looking setup bro
first i assemble the table from water proof chip board using water proof glue and screws,then i drill the wholes for the fitting for the pump and the overflow /il post pics of those tomorow/then i put glue on the fitting that im using for the pump /the brass golden one/ and hammer it in place and do the same for the over flow /witch is a plastic tube used for plumbing that i cut at a desired lenght/then i cut a piece of aluminium sheet 0.3-0.4mm thickness
and cut the wholes for the brass fitting and overflow/make 2 of these / then glue it on top/il post picks of this too/ then covere the table with a PE plastic foil usualy used at construction sites/i dont know the thinckness but il check and get back at ya/its thin maybe 0.1-0.2mm not sure i bought the strongest they had,then cut the wholes on the foil to get the overflow and the fitting open glue the foil to the aluminium piece with a plastic welder the cheap plastic pistols u can find at any hardwear store,then glue the second aluminium piece over it and then do the same with the second sheet of PE foil,as im covering the table with the foil i dip some hot plastic from the welder to the corners and the sides of the table so the plastic stays tifgt and when i cover the sides i duck tape the foil on the exterior sides and stable them after ,il post more pics tomorow its probably a little confusing like this.The whoe table cost me 25-30euros at the store in europe its about 80e