Ebb and Flow DWC hybrid idea

I was wondering if anyone tried an ebb and flow DWC hybrid hydroponics system. Right now I run an ebb and flow bucket system with a control bucket. The problem I have with ebb and flow is that it uses too much medium (clay pepples) and I feel like the plants don’t get as much oxygen as I would like. My friend runs DWC and the grow rate is much faster. I’ve had thoughts of creating an ebb and flow system that also acts as a DWC. Instead of filling my inner bucket with clay pebbles, I could use a smaller net pot that’s sits on top of the big net pot and let the roots grow to the bottom like a DWC system and run air stones to each individual bucket. Also I would run the ebb and flow system backwards in a sense and let the nutrients sit in the buckets and only drain it to mix everything thing back up in the reservoir then flood it again. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
That would basically just be a RDWC system. I would be curious why DWC would have a higher growth rate than E&F.
You should do some experiments yourself. Your friend may have some external influence under control that you do not. Better environment, better nutrients, better light, maybe using CO2.
DWC does have some insane growth, but what a giant PIA keeping stuff from growing in the rez. I'm doing experiments now to see if I can tame DWC as well as a top drip ring version. I'm having some success and some failure.
That would basically just be a RDWC system. I would be curious why DWC would have a higher growth rate than E&F.
You should do some experiments yourself. Your friend may have some external influence under control that you do not. Better environment, better nutrients, better light, maybe using CO2.
DWC does have some insane growth, but what a giant PIA keeping stuff from growing in the rez. I'm doing experiments now to see if I can tame DWC as well as a top drip ring version. I'm having some success and some failure.

I have done DWC and I would just scrap the drip rings and bring the nutrients up close to the clay pebbles till you see a root dangling then slowly lower the level of nutrients. The drip ring can give you stem rot and cause stuff to grow on top of the clay pebbles.
I’ve been working out something similar but also for ease of use and a large res so I can automate if I’m away for a few days. Bottom line is RDWC. I’m also a DWC guy in the past. I don’t do drippers. Those roots have non problem in the buckets with lots of bubbles. I choose this route because there’s back ups, it the pump to the resivour fails, I still have air stones and a dwc set up. I like sprayers but again dealing with clogs and more things to fail for what I don’t believe produces significant results vs a Dwc. I’m using that for clones but worst case clones is I cut more and it’s not going to deal with clogged sprayers. Just some food for thought.