Well, that's a good question. The stricter you are with your ph the better. Different strains seem to like differing ph levels, but a good rule is 6.0. 5.5 - 6.5 is okay. Outside of that is where the trouble begins. So keep it as close to 6.0 as you can all of the time. The only exception is that if it's above 5.5 I won't ever add ph up.
PH up can be your enemy. Try not to give the res too much down so that you aren't adding up to get it back up. Just lower it each day slowly. I have found that a straw works really well if you don't have anything accurate to measure with. Keep your res filled up and use the ol' little kid holding water in a straw method by pressing your finger on the end of straw while it is sumberged in the ph down bottle. Let your finger off to release the fluid, press it to stop the flow. You can test it out on your res and say fill it up 1/8 straw and see how much that lowers the ph. I usually mark a line at whatever level seems to drop my ph by .2 Usually a 1/4 straw on a 20 gallon reservoir.
Not the most accurate method, but it works.
Most growers have a tendancy to get lazy and will let their ph get to about 6.5 then lower it to 5.5 and start over. I've heard some say this is good, some say it's bad, but it all my grows it really hasn't mattered that much. I've even had my ph as low as 4.5 and said "fuck it" and it came back up into range anyway pretty quickly.
The strictness is up to you, but I would say the more strict, the better you are doing.