(EBB & Flow/DWC) (Fox Farm Trio & Salts) White Window/Skunk #1


Well-Known Member
Hey guys quick update off my mobile phone. I was having problems with my light timer but its finally on a 12/12. So only one day was wasted. I gave her 24 hrs no light and shell start on 12/12 again in 6 hours. Here's the thing I'm worried about. During lsting I must have tied down one of the top shoots to hard and it kinda pealed off the plant almost. It's still hanging on by a little and it hasent started to die yet this happened 3 days ago. Is it possible it will recover or should I attempt to take a clone?


Well-Known Member
Quick update. I decided to leave the split shoot in hopes that it heals. I changed the res with fresh water and nutes. I'll post pics of the growth update and also the shoot to see what you guys think.
Below is my nute regimen.

32 Gal Res
5.85 PH
1.25 Tsp/Gal Cal-Mag
1 Tsp/Gal Epson Salt
1 Tsp/Gal Big Bloom
2 Tsp/Gal Tiger Bloom
16 1/4 Tsp Open Sesame
16 1/4 Tsp Beastie Budz


Well-Known Member
Well, I decided to tape up the branch and see how it does cross your fingers bongsmilie. I'll post week 1 growth updates in a bit.


Well-Known Member
any reason you're using cal mag and epsom salts?

not trying to bash you, but by the looks of your top growth it seems to be a burn of multiple things, and maybe not a right NPK ratio . You are most likely giving it way too much pk... I'd run 1/2 the amount of nutes originally given (1tsp/gal of cal mag, with half bloom food and add in 1/2 veg food) after a little flushing.
if she shows vigor you can slowly work back up but IMO something is really off , seeing those colors on the top growth.
the 1/8 tsp/gal of open sesame and beastie could be doing it too, check everything NPK ratios and try and adjust it all so they get less pk and more N, and a little less nutes
all together i read you are using 3 1/4 of nutrient per gal with additives, i recommend going down to 2 total tsp/gal of nutes. you'll save a lot of $ too..

remember your plant still needs N during budding, it's essential. With too much or too little N you're going to have a huge stunting resulting in big yield loss.


Well-Known Member
No, thanks! I really appreciate the help/criticism! Like I said this is my first hydro grow, or semi-successful grow in general. I want to become better and are completely open to suggestions. Few questions, and then I'll post updated pics. The lighter colored growth on top baffled me. If I remember right the plant was doing that since it's first set of leaves. The new growth is always a lighter color green/yellow then when it grows in it becomes a deeper green and looks healthy. I just mixed the beastie bloomz/open sesame last night at 1/4 tsp gal so I doubt it's effected the plant yet. (It's looked like that for a while.) I've been loosely following/experimenting with the Fox Farm feeding regimen, but cut it in half. As for the N, my Tiger Bloom is 6% at 2TSP gallon is that sufficient? Mostly all the other additives have a small amount of N, except the Big Bloom. I'll take your advice and roll off my next week to the total 2 TSP/GAL nutes. Regarding the Cal-Mag/Epson salts. I was told by a member on another site to feed roughly 1 TSP/GAL of cal mag and use 1 TSP/GAL Epson salts. A "Lighter mix" as he called it, instead of using all Cal-Mag. What do you suggest? I don't really see a stunning effect yet either. The plants been growing pretty well and I'm seeing noticeable growth every time I'm down there. The only problem, it may be going under stress because of the broken branch, but I supported/taped it so will see. Anyway, here are some updated pics let me know what you think!


Well-Known Member
Well, turns out nizza is right. (I think.) The top of the plant began to wilt with an hour left on the timer. (This isn't normal is it?) I immediately put the plant in fresh ro water phed to 5.8 and split the flowering week one regimen I'm half off the fox farm site and 1 Tsp gal cal mag. Did I overreact? What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
im gonna look up your nute ratio's to see..
tiger bloom 2-8-4 directions use starting flower
big bloom .01-.03-.07 micro feed (kelp, castings) directions: every watering
open sesame 5-45-19 directions: early flower (week 5 or 6 flowering)
beastie bloom 0-50-30 directions : late flower (last few weeks)

IMO your missing the nitrogen part of this formula... Grow big 6-4-4

the plant is lacking N

heres a nice chart i found for you https://www.liquidsun.bz/shop/FoxFarm-Hydroponic-feed-schedule

i wouldn't back off all the way either, you can hurt the plant by leaching too much out of it; you basically want to cleanse the root and give it a different ratio of nutes to promote green growth without depriving other stuff.

i read a couple threads that said the chart works great, and if using r/o i'd add 1-2 tsp/gal of cal mag and save the epsom salts for when you run out; cal-mag's are a better formula for hydro.
on the bottom of the cahrt it goes over flushing


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for the reply! I'm just a nervous noob. Hate to come this far and fail again. I ran out of big bloom but will have some in a few more days. I added in 2.5 TSPs of that 2.5 TSP of Tiger Bloom 7.5 TSPs of Grow Big and .75 of open sesame to the 5 gallon bucket. Do you think this is a substantial mix? All I did was cut the week one flowering fox farm schedule in half. I'm going to follow that new chart you posted once i rebuy some stuff I ran out of.


Well-Known Member
you're not a newb but a novice, you have lots of information but as you gain experience, you will ultimately put all this information together and it will be useful. Some noobs just do whatever they hear from a friend or see advertised to do what , people who seek more than just the quick answers are in my opinion, considered fellow growers.

from what i've read, the tigerbloom basically helps drops your pH and gives you an extra P supplement. if I were you i'd just go at week 1 or 2 of flowering on the nute chart there, and it even looks like they use a 2tspgal:1tsp/gal ratio of grow big to tiger bloom and a constant 1tbsp/gal of the big bloom micro nutes.

If you feel like you can work with some other ratios, just try to get close to this type of feeding ratio cause it's most important your ladies get their N fix, and stop overdosing on those other ones!


Well-Known Member
p.s. try to take pictures in natural light to get the best opinions on them, for future reference the orange light makes it hard to see whats going on with them.

by the way alls i use in my systems is dyna gro foliar pro. from start to finish, and the plants love it. I also use protekt for a silica solution, and add a little cal-mag cause i grow in coco and coco uses extra cal-mag(the foliar pro has cal-mag in it and so does my tap)

also a little humboldt honey as a carbo load and dyna grow KLN for transplant//clone feeds.

i've never looked into fox farm until now but their lineup seems pretty legit! I just dont have the patience to follow a nute schedule like that, seems kind of crazy!

rereading what you gave them i bet that will give you some freaking nice growth in the next couple days! I didnt see if you put cal mag in there though, you would need 5tsp for that 5 gallons of water.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again nizza you managed to give me the the direction to save my plant. Greatly appreciated. I checked on her today and she was perked up and looked fine :)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! It's been about a week, so here's the update! I'm following week 3 of the nutrient schedule Nizza posted a page back. I ran out of Big Bloom so the mix is going without it right now. I'll be picking some up tomorrow and adding it in. I believe the plant is also suffering from a lack of nitrogen. Only a few leaves 3-4 are yellow the rest of the plant looks fine. Is this just the beginning of N deficiency? Anyway I added 2.5 more TSP's of Grow Big to the mix this morning hoping to counteract it. The PH is right around 5.90

The plant is showing some little buds at the top.

Top/Width Growth

Height Growth


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone it's been a week and heres the update! I got my big bloom and added it to the mix. I'm still running week 3 nutes off the chart nizza posted at full (Almost) strength. I had to back off a little bit as I seen nute burn occur on a few bottom leaves. I have a bit of deficiency with a few leaves turning yellow and the veins staying green. Does anybody know what this deficiency is? My PH is sitting right around 5.60 and im using two/TSP gal cal mag.

Bud Shots! (Hopefully they keep getting frosty, I think they look good for only a couple weeks.)

Top/Height Growth


Well-Known Member
Here's a picture of the deficiency. I've searched and read multiple diagnosis pages, but just want to make sure. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I've decided to add 2 Tsps of Grow Big, 2.5 Tsps of CalMag, and 3 1/4 Tsps of Beastie Bloom. I believe I was having a slight Nitrogen[FONT=Merriweather, serif]/Phosphorus/Mg deficiency so hopefully this will fix it. Do you guys think I've made the right decision, how long does it normally take to view change in the effected area? I've phed my water to 5.80 and have added a gallon to top off. [/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Well I didn't like the current nutrient mix. I've decided to dump it and follow the fox farm hydro page at 3/4 recommended. Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom & Open Sesame w/ CalMag


Well-Known Member
Quick update. I've fixed the plants slight N and medium P deficiency and the few yellow leaves are turning green again. This was done with Tiger Bloom, and open sesame.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. I'm jealous that yours are starting to flower already lol. How much longer do you expect to be in flower? And I'd like to see the update pics on the leaf fixes. And thanks for all the info bro it will be put to good use.