Ebb&Flow - Plant leaves droopy over night after one month of growth


Active Member
I have been growing a plant for a month, and it has grown fast and very healthy. Over two days I noticed a few lower food leaves yellowing rapidly and curling. Today, most of the main food leaves (from main stem) are drooping. They don't look dead yet but I know they'll die soon because another plant in this system has died all of a sudden just like this.

My system is an ebb&flow and the plants are in net pots. The net pots are not covered to block light, they simply sit in the upper reservoir and the lights would hit the roots if they grew out of the net pots, but the roots wont. I assume this is due to the light hitting the roots when they grow out. I was going to experiment to see if the plants would be alright with the roots staying inside the net pots, since they are submerged in solution every 3 hours, but now that one plant has died and my favorite is now on the same track, I need to find out what is causing this.

Root bound or salt build up are the only causes I could think of since the onset of this problem is literally about 2 days.

In hydro there is salt build up? I guys if lines can get plugged with salts then roots can too?

Please help my plant is dieing.
