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Active Member
ive got a 10 ft tall inwall cupboard space and grown up to 8 ft of plant before in veg got to point of flowering and the f^ckers was male :O_ now ive got 2 females ive kicked one in the head by taking its top off too late and now got one other that hopefully does its own job lol


New Member
Damn!!! I step away for a few and I'm 2 pages behind....Welcome BigBud! Get your grow on!
woohoo u back yep big bud is my friend
sorry had to step away to accept a package of bud lets smoke smomething now
had a half oz dropped off right at my shop
wheres my wraps and who has some music
dont make me post no lmfao:hump:


Well-Known Member
How's autopilot treatin ya HR? I hate leaving my girls more then 4 days. I'm like a worried parent lol.


Active Member
I have the titan 4 gallon 12 site setup just getting it going and did my first run of warm water and a little h2o2 and it filled the buckets in 12 minutes but damn thing is taking 1:30 minutes to drain.

it has 2 296gph pumps and no kinks

I have 2 225gph pumps sitting here think im going to fill it back up and switch the drain pumps and see if that solves it.

any other ideas or things i should be checking?


Well-Known Member
it fills for 15 min at a time, with a 2.5 hr off time and a 15m on time the 1:30 don't mean shit to me..

if you wanna worry about something worry about the 1/2" of stagnent water that sits at the bottom of the buckets.. ;)


Rebel From The North
I have the titan 4 gallon 12 site setup just getting it going and did my first run of warm water and a little h2o2 and it filled the buckets in 12 minutes but damn thing is taking 1:30 minutes to drain.

it has 2 296gph pumps and no kinks

I have 2 225gph pumps sitting here think im going to fill it back up and switch the drain pumps and see if that solves it.

any other ideas or things i should be checking?
If theres no medium in the buckets its going to run alot more water
Than it would otherwise and take longer to drain bro!


Rebel From The North
I am worried about leaving mine for a few days hehehe
I worried everyday i was gone lol but all turned out good!

And yep im back hunt went well seen tons of deer and one shooter the last night before i jumped the plane,
He came out at 325yrds lol was about a 150 class deer so against my better judgmet i took a shot! It felt
Good to me but by the time i got to the spot it was dark! Busted out the flash lights but no blood so we backed
Out till morning. Well put my shit on in the morning opened the door and what do i see 2in. Of snow! Wtf
Needless to say i flew home and my buddy bringing a blood hound up to search today fing pisses me of!


New Member
I worried everyday i was gone lol but all turned out good!

And yep im back hunt went well seen tons of deer and one shooter the last night before i jumped the plane,
He came out at 325yrds lol was about a 150 class deer so against my better judgmet i took a shot! It felt
Good to me but by the time i got to the spot it was dark! Busted out the flash lights but no blood so we backed
Out till morning. Well put my shit on in the morning opened the door and what do i see 2in. Of snow! Wtf
Needless to say i flew home and my buddy bringing a blood hound up to search today fing pisses me of!
man that sucks
hope your friend finds it hate to see it go to waste
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