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Mann I got some bomb pictures of the church and the blue dream with a 8 megapixel camera instead of my crappy 3.5 lol. Ima be piston them up soon
I want in.... lol

Just for the fuck of it you should email them and ask if they had a surge in sales over the last 24 hours. If so, you can do that shit again. You can get sponsor logo's all over your thread like a NASCAR. lmao. Then you would have to hold up buds and say "First I'd like to thank everyone for this Gage Green, CAP ebb n gro, Advanced Nutrients, Grodan Rockwall Victory. lol
HR can I see a few pics of your plumbing? (Not as in Farve texts either. lol) How does your tubing end? You did switch to 3/4" correct?

The beginning of the thread? lol. I would read the whole thing if it wasn't over 3,000 posts. lol
You know the ol saying... a picture is worth 3000 posts.
I read through 250 pages of the other ebb n gro thread and mentally changed my mind 50 times about every issue.
I remember don't use the STG inserts, they suck balls and using bleach with live plants really pisses off research kitty. lol.
I just wondered how your ends were.
That was cool, you saved me six months. lol. First huge question. Is that how you are doing it in your framed in room? Are you in the process of your room or brainstorming and planning?
It was a little hard to tell cuz of reflection. a few of my end plants didn't look as good and a friend of my swears that I never want to 'end' with a 90. He said always use a 'T' and then just run the hose past and plug it. Something about equal pressure of some shit, but he kept repeating it like it was important. lol
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