EBB Water Times And For How Long?


Hey guys,

I just made up a 2x4botanicare ebb & flow table and was wondering how long I should set the timers and what times should I set my timers for watering. It's a veg table now and flower table once the plants start. Please let me know.

-How long for the timers:

-What time the timers should go on:

Thanks guys.



My clones are in rockwool and anchored in hydroton.

Right now I have the times at 8am, 12pm and 6pm. The water times are only for 5minutes each? Is the watering times not enough???


Active Member
rockwool retains alot of water...read your plants, let them tell you if theyre gettin too much/not enough....mine were in perlite buckets, table filled with hydroton...i flooded twice a day for 15 mins a piece (and perlite doesnt retain water hardly at all)


New Member
I recently set up an ebb and flow, and I started with 3 - 30min cycles over a 24hr period. My light is in veg mode at 24/0. If you run 18/6, ive heard you want the watering to be within the 18hrs of light. Keeping in mind this is with rockwool anchored in hydroton. If you were using hydroton only for example, you would water more frequently.

My plants were failry happ with the 3- 30min cycle, but I had a few signs of under watering, so I stepped it up to 4- 30min cycle. If I decide to go the hydroton only rout, I will probably start with 6-8 cycles of 15mins. In a 24hr period that is.


Active Member
LightningMcGreen said it, read your plants. I also use rockwool with clay pellets and change watering cycles according to plant needs. Seedlings and newly rooted clones 2 5 minute floods. Full grown moms and flowering plants 5 minute flood every 3 hours during lights on. I say 5 minute floods because thats 1 minute longer than it takes to hit the over flow, no need to drown them. And never flood during lights off. As a matter of fact, my last flood is 3 hours before lights out. Your plants will tell you what they need, just listen.

Tee Five

Active Member
I use T5's for my whole grow...I have them in Hydroton/Rockwool.....on a Flood Bed.

Twice a day 12 hours apart I Flood'em for a cool 15 minutes.1 hour Before their bedtime and at dawn. I use Lucas's formula @ about 400ppm @.5 conversion.

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Photo was taken about a week ago