EC drives me crazy


i´m in the end of flowering (last week) but all the little hairs are still white:shock:... look at the pictures:


the strain is an AutoMazar (Dutch Passion). At the beginning i had some trouble with Magnesium deficiency (now i don´t) and temperature (above 30°C). i guess because of the problems (specially the magnesium deficiency) the flowering time is taking longer... anybody knows for shure?


Seed or clone, strains could get easily mixed up. So you might not even have the genetics you think you have. If you want to make sure you harvest good product...make sure you have around 80% red hairs...if you are not using a magnifying scope.

The best thing to do is view your trichs with a 60 or 100x magnifying scope and cut when you see 5% amber. After you get to know your strain, you can start to crop sooner and sooner because the peak THC is actually when the trichs are still clear...but with a first time strain, it's safest to harvest when you have mostly cloudy triches and about 5% amber.

Don't cut unless you are confident that it's could potentially waste all time time and hard work.


i dont rely on the hairs as a sign on when to harvest. i have been growing Thai Lights and that thing keeps sprouting new hairs right until the end. i have used all sorts of many different products to see the trichs but the easiest is the jewlers loop. it has a 30x and a 60x. youcan pick them up for like $15. i agree with Potshop, 5-10% amber trichs is a great time to harvest.
ok, but the point is that i´m in the last flowering week but there is no brown hair and the ec is raising. I thought a raising ec indicates that 1. water is evaporating because of high temperature 2. the plants do not "eat" enough...

can anybody explain to me why my plants dont get finish and why they don´t eat?

automazar taken from seeds...