EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

And I've just realised OP is in flower so ph is supposed to be dropping.
@hermm post a picture mate so we can see what strength you should be feeding.
That chart on post 2 is great. How can I print that out? I Need to hang it on my cabinet door....
If you right click the picture/chart what options do you have?...print should be in the list...if not choose "save as" and then open it when it finishes downloading and then print.
Thanks, yea I did that and it printed smaller than I would like. I printed it out and then enlarged it, so I don't have to put my classes on to read it. Great reference, is this an accumulation of data from grow journals, etc and someone put it in simple form?

Doesn't look like it helped with the OP...
pictures would help, knowing what your feeding would help
pH always raised for me regardless of veg or flower, food has buffer food gone pH goes up. only time ph goes down is bacteria.
you can go full cycles with no Rez changes
never ever ever ever flush in dwc.
Is flush the same as water change? Are you saying you DWC folks never do a water change, only add? I've been waterfarming for 5-years and do weekly water changes and never have these problems. I read about them to see what to look for, but I've never had a water problem for no reason. My water problems have always been self inflicted usually by too much nutes.
Flush in DWC for most people means just using water for a few days, not something you want to do. There are many methods for Rez management, and they all work.
peel a couple hundred ppm out of the res, top it off with water, adjust the pH to an acceptable level and feed. If the issue still continues give yourself a 14-48 hour flush and then start back with the nute at half strength and add the daily until everything evens out