The economy is fucked.
Recovery, smocovery.
Your employment report doesn't mean shit, really... not because I'm trying to be mean.
The government said the only way this country will recover is through growth. NEWS FLASH: The government fucked up any chance of their delusional "growth fix" with their past few decades of fiscal recklessness.
When the inevitable austerity hits, and government programs are forced to stop giving away "free" shit, you will see nothing but a perpetual, massive, wide-spread, economic decline. People will for once, in a long time, be forced to take care of their own financial priorities, instead of being fiscally irresponsible, then relying on the government to subsidize their unsustainable, and irresponsible lives. This means less loans, less business, smaller business, smaller families, less workers, less expenditure on luxury items, less everything. There goes the "employment-growth solution"... washed right down the drain of pure-fucking-reality.
For the same reason that everyone and their mother, thinks they can buy a house in the suburbs, get married, have kids, send all of them to college, buy over-priced automobiles, and purchase a bunch of shit they really didn't need, is the exact reason why austerity will occur, and the exact reason why job-growth will reverse exponentially, until it bottoms out.
The delusion that this government perpetuates, in regards to America always needing to be on an ever-increasing-economy, and if it's not than there's a serious problem, is absolutely insane. Real markets never increase indefinitely... they rise, then they take huge fucking dumps. The process then starts again. Funny thing is we took a dump in 2008, but the problems that equated to that dump are just as large, or larger within other financial avenues, making the inevitability of another dump on the same scale or larger, irrefutable.
My report says "get ready for dump #2". I need someone to get me a publishing deal on that ASAP.