You're retarded.
If you think policies are not being slowly but surely shaped toward wealth redistribution upward you are crazy. Union membership is dwindling and if minimum wage kept pace with CEO pay it would be 25 bucks an hour.
There is that stupid fucking strawman again, insisting that I expect business owners to give up their businesses completely. You always argue so black and white. There is no shade of gray and therefore you leave the correct answer off the list of choices. Then conclude with some fucking ad hominem. Secondly, you are using the word socialism wrong, you insist that it means nationalisation, it doesn't. Nationalisation means nationalisation. By the way, you live in state socialism and state socialism is growing steadily in the US already.
Sure workers can buy stocks, but they are already underpaid.
If things keep going the way they are going though, some "business owners" will be pressed to "give up" some of that excessive wealth.
How can you have socialism with the business owners not giving up their businesses completely? Everything is gray. You have to draw a line somewhere and say "this must not be crossed." Unfortunately, we are on a teeter totter. The further socialists and tardos move towards statism the further we have to move towards anarchy because if you let 3/4 of the population get past center then the jig is up.