edit post


Active Member


im trying to update my thread and it wont let me edit any of the posts ive made, i understand they are 3 months old but that still shouldnt matter. also when the time is right i would like the thread moved into the jorunal section but not yet. ill post here when i want that. All i need RIGHT NOW is to be able to edit all my posts on https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/178522-stealth-hydro-grow.html



Active Member
The RULE is you can only EDIT a post within 24 hours of making the post.
to be honest in my opinion that is a pretty give or take kinda rule. i want to update and fix all my posts and i even reserved some slots so its all orderly and in fashion. i hope they make an exception in my case kiss-ass


Elite Rolling Society
to be honest in my opinion that is a pretty give or take kinda rule. i want to update and fix all my posts and i even reserved some slots so its all orderly and in fashion. i hope they make an exception in my case kiss-ass
Don;'t hold your breathe until it happens.

A MOD can do it,but even the ELITE can not .


Active Member
yeah ^^

that rule seems really odd to me. i should be able to edit my post whenever i feel like it. doesnt seem to logical to me idk. i hope the admins/mod make this change to the system