Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

Well today they look a little yellow. I woke up a little late so by the time I went to turn the air on it was like 92degrees!! Hope it wasn't that high for very long. This was at noon, so I was thinking it starts to heat up arount 10 1030 and it takes the room inside like another 30 min or hour to heat, so you know. Hope it was only like that for like an hour or so. You gotta think that outside plants are like this too. Its is over 90 for at least a couple of days in summer.

Oh well, I will be working on it more. I am getting the times down.

The plants are looking yellow on their new growth, not too bad but it is there. I am hoping it is not burned by heat. I really dobut it. The leaves don't feel burnt. Like that soft feeling (I know because I have done it) and it hasn't been incredibly hot.

I am just thinking that they are hungry. They got flushed out like 3 or 4 days ago. I have been a little lazy and not got more water since then so you can see they really need it today. That will be my priority for the day.

I will fix the problem and get you guys some pics when they are looking really good again. I am thinking they will be perfect again in a day or 2. They are not bad at all..
thats man!! Im hoping that they look good till harvest man. Thanks for stopping by!!

Im thinking the plants still just need some food. The only ones that are showin that yellowing shit are the ones that got the transplant and flush. There are still 3 that I didn't transplant and they were getting fed full nutes and they have no yellowing going on. I am thinking if it was heat then it would have messed with all of them especally the little ones (transplant pending). We will see. I am really hoping that it all works out well!!
popped in just for a second cause you should totally call that strain cindy the widow. makes sense.

It actually isn't rally mine to be calling anything. I got it as WidowCindy it will remain widow cindy. It is really hard on the community when people start calling stuff the wrong thing.

I am thinking about naming the keeper cuts that I get. Any ideas? I don't really want to call it anything related to Widow or Cindy. I just want one cut that I can say I helped originate and get that out there.

If I can get the permission that I need I will give it to the clubs to grow and everything.
Well, if leafs burn they burn from the edges in right? Cuz my yellowing is going from the base of the leaf out. This sounds like a nute problem right?
Could be a few things but without pics I cant tell. From what you describe does your nutes have Ca/Mg in the proper proportions? May be a Mg shortage. Sinced you flushed it probably isnt nute lockout. What are you feeding them? If your bloom ferts dont have enough N in them yellowing will happen too. You said its the top/new leaves but are the lower leaves ok? If its only the new ones then it just may be lack of nutes. Alot of things it could be need a little bit more to go on though to narrow it down.
Could be a few things but without pics I cant tell. From what you describe does your nutes have Ca/Mg in the proper proportions? May be a Mg shortage. Sinced you flushed it probably isnt nute lockout. What are you feeding them? If your bloom ferts dont have enough N in them yellowing will happen too. You said its the top/new leaves but are the lower leaves ok? If its only the new ones then it just may be lack of nutes. Alot of things it could be need a little bit more to go on though to narrow it down.

See that is the thing. I havent feed or watered them since the flush and that was 3-4 days ago. Im leaving right now to get distilled h2o. I can see now why Earl always said to get a RO machine.

I am still going to be using the Advanced Nutes like I was before. I am pretty sure that it is a Mg thing. The leaf are getting that taco thing going to them to and before I cleared it up with adding the Cal/Mg to the mix.

I will go get water and feed then be back with pics...
Im patiently waiting for the clones to root.
Yea Earl knows his stuff. One of the first guys I talked to on a forum. He is very helpful. I did see your discussion on RO vs going to the store. Im not going to dink you but I think you know the answer. You can also get RO systems at Costco. I dont know what a 5 stage goes for on eBay + shipping but it cost me $150 at Costco. Im trying a DI water maker with a Ca/Mg replenishment. Add ferts and away you go. I have to find out what the total cost is and if I will save water. THe water costs are due to go up along with everything else.
yeah, it is just an overall pain. I would love just to have a 33 gallon trashcan full of h2o whenever I need.

I just watered the garden. They really needed it. I fed them at full strength so I am hoping this clears up my MG problem. I think this is an mg problem because my buddy was saying that he had the same problem and he is outside.

It is sad cuz I had a nice batch of Buddhas Sister going and about 3 weeks from harvest this mg deffecancy thing happened to me and I thought it was heat burn at the time. Now I know just to add mg but about a year ago I just took them all out and trashed them. Now I know, I really just realized it!!! Damn live and learn.

I will get some pics up in a little bit... You guys will be stoaked out....
wow those HPS lights are no joke. Look at the last pic of them all in the room.

Now they are all to the top of the stakes I put them on!! That is like 4 or 5 inches in 5 days!! Nice. They seem to be a lot happier after eating. Arent you though...
Your plants are looking pretty good man. Get those oscillating fans in there & your plants will love it. They help move stale air away from the plant so they always have fresh air to breath.
Your plants are looking pretty good man. Get those oscillating fans in there & your plants will love it. They help move stale air away from the plant so they always have fresh air to breath.

Sweet, that is on the list. Thanks for stopping by man!
So the leafs that are yellow will get their color back right?

They are yellow becuase they are hungry. I fed them last night. How long til they look normal again?
Male spotted!! Im pretty sure it is a boy. Looks like male pre flowers. That puts the count to 6 females (I think) and 1 possibly 2 males (I think).

They are about 14 inches tall and have all kind of evened out more. There is not one that is extremely tall and not one that is extremely small.

I think I will be looking for someone to house my males as I figure it is too much to do myself. Don't want any seeds in my nuggets..bongsmilie
The color will not come back.

Be careful and don't get too ambitious with the nutes.

Measure carefully.
Ok, I can see color in the new growth.

I just spent so much time with the flush and transplant I got lazy for a day or two and they got very hungry in that time. I will keep a better eye on them. I just fed by fillig up a 5 gallon jug and using the same mix as I did before. I was careful to give them enough cal/mg.
Temperatures are doing pretty well. Just one time I saw it at 90 most of the time about 82. Not too bad. Im just not trying to run the a/c all day.
As you can see the flush left them starved. Should have fed them 2 days ago or so. I think they will pull through.





See how these next 2 have no problem. They werent flushed out like the others.




what do you guys think?