Well-Known Member
turn your lights off earlier, rather than turning them back on later. 6 is when everything starts to cool down, take advantage of circulating cool air during the earlier hours of the morning when it is naturally cooler anyways. I hope that isn't the only ventilation and exhaust that your room has. Basically all it is doing (if I understood correctly) is reducing the amount of heat produced by the light, not taking the heat that the light is bringing into the room and allowing it to escape. You should have intake coming in just for the plants, and exhaust going out of the tent for just the plants, that way they always get fresher cooler air.
Are you running the A/C during the daytime? or at nighttime? or both? is the air from the A/C going into the intake for the light, or into the room itself?
Yes, I very much look forward to seeing your flowers!
Imma go take pics right now...
The A/c is just blowing on the plants. I have a HydroHut and I just leave it open most of the time. Just close it when the lights are off.
I am waiting to get a 4inch blower so I can just put the carbon scrubber on that and have it exhausting. I was kind of trying to wing it through this one by just leaving the tent open for exhaust into the room. I want to just get the co2 controller to be controlling my exhaust with the co2 eventurally. Right now I am thinking that my next step will be to get the exhaust in there. It can run pretty much all the time untill the co2 gets installed. That is looking like it may not happen till next harvest though...