Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

turn your lights off earlier, rather than turning them back on later. 6 is when everything starts to cool down, take advantage of circulating cool air during the earlier hours of the morning when it is naturally cooler anyways. I hope that isn't the only ventilation and exhaust that your room has. Basically all it is doing (if I understood correctly) is reducing the amount of heat produced by the light, not taking the heat that the light is bringing into the room and allowing it to escape. You should have intake coming in just for the plants, and exhaust going out of the tent for just the plants, that way they always get fresher cooler air.
Are you running the A/C during the daytime? or at nighttime? or both? is the air from the A/C going into the intake for the light, or into the room itself?
Yes, I very much look forward to seeing your flowers!
Imma go take pics right now...

The A/c is just blowing on the plants. I have a HydroHut and I just leave it open most of the time. Just close it when the lights are off.

I am waiting to get a 4inch blower so I can just put the carbon scrubber on that and have it exhausting. I was kind of trying to wing it through this one by just leaving the tent open for exhaust into the room. I want to just get the co2 controller to be controlling my exhaust with the co2 eventurally. Right now I am thinking that my next step will be to get the exhaust in there. It can run pretty much all the time untill the co2 gets installed. That is looking like it may not happen till next harvest though...
hehe... fresh pics...

Edit: the first three pics are from today, the third is of one of the lowest branches, the last one of the whole plant was taken about three days ago. I will get more, better pics tomorrow. I gave them all a heavy feeding a little while ago (my feeding schedule got messed from a trip I took).
wow weeee. Those are looking great. I like the pink hair think. Looks 'punk rock' hahahaha
I was wondering, should I be feeding my plants more food. They dont seem to be as dark on anymore of the new leafs. I am talking about the plants that didn't get FLUSHED out.

I am on the advanced nutes schedule but have been feeding them the week 2 food this whole time to be on the safe side. You can see it a few pages back. You think I need more? Ill get pics to show what I am talking about...
I would up the food!. I find plants can tak alot of N during veg! give them full streangth
Sounds good. This is what I was thinking. I won't overdo it don't worry. I am just thinking if they had a little more food they could make it to the next watering no problem. At this point it seems like they are hungry by the time that they get their next feeding. They are pretty big now. Obviously a lot bigger than the last pics. They are maybe 6inches taller than the stake. The tallest is at least with the others not far behiend. They all seem to be the same size now like I was saying earlier....
I agree with Mattso. Remember you are a better judge since you see the plants everyday. Just do a 1/4 bump each time you increase the nute strength that way you wont blast them. This way you will learn what that strain requires during what stage of growth. Each cross is a little different and some are alot different.

On the lights thing I didnt do my indoor this summer since I wanted to make a new grow room away from the house in my backyard. I want to do it in the winter and grow outdoor in the spring to winter 09. I was also planning to have lights on at night when, in the winter, the plants need the heat and off during the day when they mostly dont need heat. Im sure like Earl and TLD said you can get away with alot less light and still not be in flower. I had heard 14 would keep them in veg but I will defer to them since I have always gon 18/6 and 12/12. When you decide to go 12/12 try decreasing your on time by 2 hours per every couple of days until you get to 12/12. Smooth transition to flower.

Is it that hot up there? Are you more inland?
I agree with Mattso. Remember you are a better judge since you see the plants everyday. Just do a 1/4 bump each time you increase the nute strength that way you wont blast them. This way you will learn what that strain requires during what stage of growth. Each cross is a little different and some are alot different.

On the lights thing I didnt do my indoor this summer since I wanted to make a new grow room away from the house in my backyard. I want to do it in the winter and grow outdoor in the spring to winter 09. I was also planning to have lights on at night when, in the winter, the plants need the heat and off during the day when they mostly dont need heat. Im sure like Earl and TLD said you can get away with alot less light and still not be in flower. I had heard 14 would keep them in veg but I will defer to them since I have always gon 18/6 and 12/12. When you decide to go 12/12 try decreasing your on time by 2 hours per every couple of days until you get to 12/12. Smooth transition to flower.

Is it that hot up there? Are you more inland?

I am right by the beech boyee. I live like 5 blocks from the water. Maybe a quarter mile at most depending how you look at it. Still hot as a MF.

So far I havent screwed with the lights. I don't want to be sending them too many mixed signals and am going to keep the 6off for a couple more days at least before any changes.

I like the bump up by 1/4 nutes thing. That is a really good idea. I will compare that with the AN nute calc and see what I should do. I will def be feeding today.

So, your next grow room going to be filled with the WC 'C' pheno or what? haha.
I hope WC 'C' pheno blesses my growroom. Im going to post the construction phases on RIU. I need to get a post hole digger soon to start with the footings. Still need to find an electrician for power.

I only live about 1 mile away from the waves but it just got hot the last 2 days. Was overcast before that.
I hope WC 'C' pheno blesses my growroom. Im going to post the construction phases on RIU. I need to get a post hole digger soon to start with the footings. Still need to find an electrician for power.

I only live about 1 mile away from the waves but it just got hot the last 2 days. Was overcast before that.
Out of all of the clone 2 WC Cs rooted. No signs of any other rooting. It may be the keeped due to the fact it may be easy to clone. Hard to tell exactly in such a small run so far.

Im sure by the time I am ready you will be ready.
whats up guys new to the site and i have read all 31 pages of your deal you got goin and
your plants look grate

i have 8 afghan buded up right now iam i too late to get clone off them ??
whats up guys new to the site and i have read all 31 pages of your deal you got goin and
your plants look grate

i have 8 afghan buded up right now iam i too late to get clone off them ??

hey man! Whats up! I didn't know I had any fans. Haha. Thanks a lot for looking. It will be worth you time. When I post budshots you can be like 'Aw, I remember when you were a bay-bay...'

How far are your plants into flower? Plants can easily be cloned once they are already flowering. You may not be able to if your plant is in the last weeks of flower, I don't know, never tried that late. I hear there are a couple draw backs as opposed to doing it to a vegging plant.
The root structure supposedly won't be as strong. The plant is in flower mode so all the energy is being sent to make the flower, then its like 'ooooppppss we need roots now' and doesn't make them quite as thick and bountiful as you would normally see.
Also when you take clones from a flowering plant it is going to take like 2 weeks to root, then like another 2 weeks, maybe even a month to revert back to veg growth. The leafs will also start to look crazy as the bud 'unravels' all will be good soon enough though.
For best results I would reccomend that if you have to clone a flowering plant that you do it and use that plant as a mom and make clones off that while it is in veg stage. Plants will come out looking nicer and growing stronger.

I like to take cuttings 2-4 times off a NON mother plant. Once when it is growing in veg stage (I would say maybe a month from seed, like 2 -3 weeks from clone), one time right before it is going to flower, and one time after it has been on 12 and 12 but before any real buds start to form but after it stretches. I would also maybe to it 2 weeks after this if I needed or wanted some more, like if I was doing a lollipop and wanted to keep the side brances down but they are sizable enough to clone. These ones would be like the ones you are describing and would have to be put back into veg and take like a month to produce a rooted clone as opposed to 2 weeks max.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you continue to watch.
I forgot why you designated 'A', 'B' etc for the plants. Was it for the different phenos of WC or just numbers for different plants.
Yeah they are just the numbers of the different plants. They are different phenos too but they were labled right when they were germinated.

Speaking of the label I just looked in the clone dome and found some more roots!! So far there is 2 WC 'C', 1 WC 'H' and now 1 WC 'F'. Still no roots on my OG though, may take longer being that it was in flower when the cut was taken.

I am just going to go to Rite Aid and get those Jiffy pellets. They are not really as tangeable as the cubes. Easy to kind of 'crush' but better than nothing. So expect to see some new pics tonight and a bunch of new clones. I have cloned in these before and they are actually quite nice. Not really my first choice but it is going to work out fine. I should have just done this in the first place.

There were only 3 plants cloned so far and all of them have now rooted, with WCC being the fastest to show roots out the bottom, WCH the next then WCF :peace:
I am wondering if it is a good idea to top my mothers. Not the WC that are vegging but the other plants in my garden that will be flowering after these ones. If I top then I will have more cloning sites right?
I just feed them. This is the nutes increased by about 1/4. I just went with week 3 on the feed chart as it was the closes to a 1/4 increase in dose.

AN Sensi 2 part 28.6ml per 4 gallons
AN SWEET 30ml per 4 gallons
AN B52 87 ml per 4 gallons
AN SENSI CAL/mg 18.5 ml per 4 gal

sound good?
thay have been buddin for about 3 weeks and look to be almost done
thay were clones that i got from a guy and he shocked em so the yeald is going to be real small
ill try to get some pics tomorrow i also got 2 more goin right now that are a week old and doin real good but there bagseed i got from my brother kinds like the tiger like you got goin so well see about that i would really like to get some WW or NL seeds but iam
to chickin shit to buy them off the net

but with the room i got i could easyley get 150+ plants and theres plenty of light
so i really need to get some seeds goin

at whta point are you pruneing?
thay have been buddin for about 3 weeks and look to be almost done
thay were clones that i got from a guy and he shocked em so the yeald is going to be real small
ill try to get some pics tomorrow i also got 2 more goin right now that are a week old and doin real good but there bagseed i got from my brother kinds like the tiger like you got goin so well see about that i would really like to get some WW or NL seeds but iam
to chickin shit to buy them off the net

but with the room i got i could easyley get 150+ plants and theres plenty of light
so i really need to get some seeds goin

at whta point are you pruneing?

good stuff man. Make sure that one really is done. 3 weeks isn't really long enough to flower all the way but I understand that if it got shocked then you may have to chop it early.

I would say if you are going to do 150 plants that you get clones somehow. If you cant readily buy them then you should pop a few seeds and then grow them out big and then clone the good ones. This will save you a lot of headache I would think.

I will prune when the yellow is mostly gone. It should be really soon. I am taking clones of the ones that have recovered now. That will take a lot of the lower branches off of them....